Questions on Poorvachaarya Sri Sookthis

Adiyen is working and has time only during weekends, does GSPK conduct classes during weekends as I want to learn Swami Desikan’s shloka-s?

What is the reason behind the existence of 14 pasurams in one Thirumozhi of Periya Thirumozhi?

1A. In a book on Sri Vallabhacharyar, it is mentioned that he has accepted most principles of Vishistadvaitam, excepting a few. What are the differences between Srivallabhacharyar’s Suddha Advaitam (Pure non-dualism) and Ramanuja’s Vishistadvaitam?

1B. Adishankara said that this world is an illusion and Ramanuja said that the world is real but impermanent. Kindly clarify the Pramana from the Vedas that support that the world is real.

1C. As per the Vishistadvaitam, the sentient (Cit) and the insentient (Acit) beings are the body of Emperuman and Emperuman is the soul (one who has the body). If indeed we are together with Emperuman, why do we not have the capability to be omnipresent like Him?

1D. Bhagavad Ramanuja in his Gita Bhasyam says that Karma yoga is superior to Gynana yoga because instead of being seated at a single place for a longer duration, it is the nature of human beings to be involved in physical activities. He has also said that this will not lead the younger generation astray.

1E. Though prapatti is the means and Emperuman is the objective, kindly clarify how to perform Karma yoga.

Sri U. Ve. Vasudevacharyar Svami, while on the discourse of Kaisika Purna, said that like how Sriramapiran in Ramayana accepted sharanagati of Vibhishana at once, Nambaduvan accepted the sharanagati of the Brahmarakshas straight away. But Svami Desikan has not mentioned this sharanagati in the Abhaya Pradana Saram. What is the reason?

Are there any simple Perumal Thayar thaniyan or shloka that can be recited in public spaces?

Are there any stipulations for the daily recitation of Paduka Sahasram? If we are unable to recite that in the morning, can it be recited in the evening?

Who is the author of Govindarajajeeyam Grantham? Kindly explain the author’s lineage, Acharyan, and life history.

Can women study Srimad Bhagavatam as it is or are they allowed to read only the commentaries?

Which publication of Srimad Bhagavatam are Sri Vaishnava-s allowed to read?

Q1. Are there any books available that enable one to understand Vishishtadvaitam in simple terms?

Q2. Which Itihasam, Puranam, or Grantham like Valmiki Ramayana or Srimad Bhagavatam can one read to understand Dharma shastras and put into practice in our lives?

Q3. Adiyen converted from Saivism to Vaishnavism after reading Sri Swaminarayan books like Shikhapatri, Vachanamrutam, etc. Sri Swaminarayan has said that Vishishtadvaitam is an eminent tradition and that we must read Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Gita Bhashyam and Sri Bhashyam. Can Adiyen read them to acquire knowledge as part of regular religious austerities?

Q4. Can we consider the Tamas and Rajasa purana-s as authoritative texts? Can Brahma Vaivartha Puranam and Shiva Puranam be said to have truly determined or resolved the Shri Vaishnava and Vedic doctrines?

Is Radha Rani a fact or real? If so, is she an incarnation of Mahalakshmi or an ordinary Gopika? How do the followers of Tennacharya sampradayam and Desika sampradayam consider Radha Rani from a scriptural perspective?

Can Adiyen recite Nalayira Divya Prabandham? Where should I begin from?

Is Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Vendanta Sangraham for beginners? What must one do to properly learn Sri Bhashyam?

Adiyen is eager to learn about Vaishnava austerities and rituals. What is Swami Desikan’s Adhikarana Saravali?

The shloka below is about the eight Svayam Vyakta (Self-manifested) Kshetram-s:

AdyaM rangamiti prOktaM vimAnaM rangasaMjnitam |

shrImuSNaM vEntaTAdriM ca sALagrAmaM ca naimisham ||

tOyAdriM puSkaraM caiva naranArAyaNAshramam |

aSTA mE mUrtayaH santi svayaMvyaktA mahItalE ||

What is the association between the eight self-manifest Kshetram-s and Tiruvashtakshara mantram?

Q1. Can one from Vishishtadvaita sampradayam read Madhvacharya’s Sarvamula Grantham?

Q2. How to realize that ‘I’/’Me’ is not the physical body but the soul? How to go about carrying out all chores constantly the thought that I am a soul?

Q3. How to remove bad habits such as anger, jealousy, and desires that hinder us from progressing spiritually?

Q1. Can one from Vishishtadvaita sampradayam read Madhvacharya’s Sarvamula Grantham?

Q2. How to realize that ‘I’/’Me’ is not the physical body but the soul? How to go about carrying out all chores constantly the thought that I am a soul?

Q3. How to remove bad habits such as anger, jealousy, and desires that hinder us from progressing spiritually?

Are there any books available to learn in detail about rules to determine or calculate tharpana punya kalam and sraddha tithi dates?

Is Padmavathi Thayar an incarnation of Sri Mahalakshmi? Or is she a nacchiyar like Serakulavalli?
Are Sridevi and Sri Mahalakshmi one and the same?

Sri Varaha Avataram – Varaham can swim in water and cannot submerge in the waters. Even if we accept that Varaha can submerge in waters in the Sri Varaha incarnation, why do we offer Korai Kizhangu (a type of root) as naivedyam to Sir Varaha Perumal? When brothers Ravanan and Kumbhakarna, Sishupala and Dantavaktra were killed in one/same respective incarnations (as Rama and Krishna), why did Perumal take two incarnations to kill the brothers Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu? Even when they are not brothers, what is the reason for them to have ‘Hinranya’ in their names?

Which type of kalakshepams can women participate in?

What does the word ‘buddhAya’ mean in Srivishnuvijaya strotram 3rd shloka ‘namOstu buddhAya ca daityamOhinE’?

Have a few doubts related to Divya Prabandha vyAkhyAna:

What are nAlAyira(4000)-paDi, ArAyira (6000)-paDi?

What was the basis for these categorizations?

What are the differences between these?

Which one must we learn first? Is there a sequence or order of learning?

Where are these texts available?

Are these each different explanations of Divya Prabandham? Or are they expansion of the meanings?

Can ladies recite Gadyatrayam as part of the nityaanusandhaanam at home? Or is it allowed only for men? If women should not recite Gadyatrayam, are they allowed to listen to related discourses to learn the meaning?

Can Mangalya Stava shloka be recited by both sumangali-s and widowed women?

Is the name “rAmA” mentioned in Divya Prabandham? How is the name rAmar referred to in Tamil?

Can we perform Veda parayanam at a known temple’s Krishnapaksha Brahmotsavam if thiruther and poorna ahuti occurs during Amavasyai?

It is said that during Brahmotsavam, our ancestors come down; at this time can we worship Divya Prabandham in a goshti with non-Srivaishnavaos? Will it beget any sin?

If Veda is timeless then when did the story between Saint Bharadwaj and Indra happen? As it is a story from the Vedas, when would it have taken place?

Which isThe last Prabandham composed byThirumangai Azhwar? Is itTiruneduntandakam orTirumadal? AreThere any notes onThis?

Can prapannas recite Sriramcharitamanas?

In Abhaya Pradhana Saram- there are six components for Vibhishana sharanagati. Trijada also rendered sharanagati for her protection; can her sharanagati also be construed as one to be rendered for salvation?

Sri Parasara Bhattar in his elucidation of Sri Vishnu Saharasranamam for the ‘eka pata’ sloka, says that Sri Krishna is half part (amsam) of Sriman Narayana. In the previous sloka, he says that the four-armed Para Vasudeva is incarnated as Kannan. He also expounded that Kannan is the primordial Lord, quoting Gita as a reference. Whose incarnation is Kannan?

Who are the 32 deities that are present along with Sudarshana Azhvar at Srirangam? Swami Desikan had also hailed Jaya Jaya Sree Sudarshana 32 times in his Sudarshana Ashtakam. Please clarify is there a link between the number 32 and Sudarshana Azhwar.

Why is Sahasranamam called as Vishnu Sahasranamam?

Swami, adiyen desires to learn Desika stotra patam and Prabandam. Is there any online group that conducts such classes?

Ramanujaya Nama: Adiyen, what is the difference between ‘Adaikalam Nan Pugundene’ and ‘Adikizh Amarndu Pugundene’? Can it be interpreted that Perumal at Thirumalai and Kachi is the sole refuge?

Ramanujaya Nama: Adiyen, what is the difference between ‘Adaikalam Nan Pugundene’ and ‘Adikizh Amarndu Pugundene’? Can it be interpreted that Perumal at Thirumalai and Kachi is the sole refuge?

Why is Emperumanar superior to Emperuman? (A young boy’s question)

Adiyen’ child is questioning as to who is Nappinnai who has been mentioned by Andal as well. Adiyen had said she in the incarnation of Neeladevi. Can you please elaborate on Nappinnai?

Perumal is Omnipresent or all-pervading (Vibhu). Soul (Jivan) is atomic in nature and cannot be split. If Bhagavan is Vibhu, does it mean that he will be inside a Jivan?

Why has Azhvars sung lesser number of pasurams on Kanchi Varadhan than on Arangan and Thirumalaiappan? Though Hastigiri is equally divine kshetram like other two kshetrams, why did the Azhvars’ pasurams not resonate the same status? Is there any reason behind this? Kindly explain.

Can Srivaishnavas who had undergone Bharanyasam learn Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita from Advaitins?

Swami Desikan in his Prabhandasaram had mentioned about the place, day, date and pasuram count, but he did not mention about their lineage. Is there a specific reason to this or is my understanding wrong?

Adiyen has a doubt in Prabandasara pasuram on Periazhvar. Swami Desikan while mentioning the count of pasurams, at the end say four hundred and seventy-one and two instead of four hundred and seventy-three (“nAnURRuezhubathonRiraNDum”). Is there a reason behind this?

Can adiyen have Srimad Abinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Parakala Swami’s Acarya taniyan (invocatory verse)?

Adiyen, can you please explain the Thiruvaimozhi second decad pasuram Annallan, Pennallan, Ala Aliyumallan?

Can you please pinpoint as to which chapter the following lines appear in Svami Desikan’s Paramata Bhangam?

‘Over a passage of time, due to inability of some people the Vedas and Vedantas dwindled; but even in this period, saints like Agastiyar, Parasuramar, Apasthambar and Vysasa followed the ordains of Vedas practicing it at rare places like the Vindhyas, Himalayas, Malaya and Mahindra mountain ranges. During the advent of Kruta yuga they will aid in restoring the Vedas as they are indestructible’.

Who are Bhumadevi and Neeladevi? Are they vibhu like Sridevi? Do they belong in Jivakoti or Ishvarakoti?

Why did Dronacharya (commander), though he was the greatest teacher, aided others to kill Abhimanyu during Mahabharata war? Why did Krupacharya also participate I this? Why did Dronacharya and Krupacharya being Brahmins participate in the war?

Please explain the importance of Parasurama avatara?

We have heard that Lord Varaha rescued Bhumi Piratti from the clutches of Hiranyakshan during the deluge of waters (jalapralayam). The Lord protected the earth by holding all the worlds in his navel. Did this occur before or after creation?

Some publications on Ramayana state that Tara, wife of Vali, took birth from Ksheerasagaram. Is this true? If it is false are there any proof regarding her origin of birth?

Can you post the index for Stotrams and Prabandhams that has been uploaded in your YouTube channel as it is difficult for me to follow telegram messages? This would be very useful for devotees like adiyen who is desirous of learning about our sampradayam offline.

Can you please explain Visishtadwaitam lucidly with examples?

Adiyen had performed Samasrayanam recently. Before this adiyen was reciting Thenkalai sampradaya thaniyan-s and listened to Upadesa Rathinamalai. After undergoing Vadakalai samasrayanam, can adiyen recite Upadesa Rathinamalai or if it is not in practice are there any Tamil books to follow about Vadakalai Sampradaya Guru paramparai?

In the e-book version of Srirangaraja Stavam available at, there is confusion in the Tamil and English commentary provided for the 56th sloka in the Uttara shatakam. For the second half of the sloka below,

देवीहस्ताम्भुजेभ्यश्चरअणकिसलये समवहद्भयोऽपहृत्य

प्रत्यस्यानन्तभोगं झटिति जलपुटे चक्षुषी विस्तृणानः।

“अक्षिप्योरश्च लक्षम्याः स्तनकलशकनत्कुङ्कुमस्तोमपङ्कात्

देवः श्रीरङ्गधामा गजपतिघुषिते व्याकुलः स्तात् पुरो नः”॥

It says, ‘He released his divine chest abruptly from the divine chest of Mahalakshmi that is smeared with the saffron paste’ – kindly explain this.

A Thenacarya upanyasakar said in a discourse the Vishnu Sahasranama sloka ‘suklam baradharam’ denotes that Vishvaksenar and Ganapthi are one and the same.

Adiyen heard in Swami’s Thirukurugaipiran upanyasam that he belonged to the lineage of Nathamunigal; is Ramanujar a relative of Nathamunigal also? If so, why did Alavandar enquire about Swami Ramanujar with Thirukaccinambigal? Please clarify.

Did Puranas state that Tulasi’s curse on Vishnu turned into Salagrama-s and that she was the wife of Jalindra? Please clarify as such stories degrade the glories of Vishnu.

Have heard that during the pralaya kalam all beings would become inanimate in the stomach of Perumal. In that case what is the position of Prakruthi before creation? If we think about the form of Alllilai Krishna (Kirishna reclining on a banyan leaf) during the pralayam, the waters and the prapancham must have been presented to bear the Balakrishna form of the Lord. But have heard that moola prakruthi obtain different forms only during creation. How to understand the Alllilai Krishna form during the pralayam?

It is said that the liberated souls reach Srivaikuntam when they shed their mortals, this abode is eternal and in the purest form. If so where is Thiruparkadal? Is it a permanent abode as well? What is it made of? Though Adisesha is a nitya suri he cannot be a vibhu like Perumal; so how could he serve as a recliner at both the abodes of Perumal simultaneously?

Do our Purvacaryas accept Anjaneya to be an amsham (component) of Rudra? Is that the reason why Swami Desikan did not write sloka specifically on Anjaneya? Can Prappanas worship Siriya thiruvadi like Peria Thiruvadi?

The English translation on Sri Vasudeva Thatachar Swami’s book titled Vedanta Desikan on Principles of Vaishnavism, page 232 states that when Advaita philosopher Vidhyaranyar critiqued on Shatadushani, Swami Desikan befittingly countered it with ‘ca’ word alone known as cakara samarthanam. Does cakara samarthanam still exist?

I have listened through elders and in upanyasams that Bhagavan Krishna confided to Uddhavar that he ended his avatara with a heavy heart as he could not help Draupadi during the disrobement even when she surrendered with full faith unto Him.

Here is my doubt, when Perumal felt dissatisfied that he did not render her enough help, then why did he wait for her to cry for help? Even worldly people like us protect our children without expecting anything in return but why does Jagan matha and pitha wait for children like us to seek their help or wait until we perform Saranagati? Kindly pardon if this query is disrespectful.

Which Desika slokam one must recite to remove the malefic effects of witchcraft?

During creation the five sense organs and organs of actions are formed as per Bhagavatam. Did Indran exist even before creation or does he differ based upon his karma? How to interpret this?

Does Perumal recognizes matters through his atmaswaroopa or like us through dharmabhutagyanam?

Is Yadavabhyudayam a (parayana grantham) stotra to recite? If it is a composition of poems, can it be recited in a group? Can anyone learn its meanings?

What is the meaning of upa-brahmanam and what are the purana-s that are mentioned in it?

Sages like Agasthiya have sung on demi-gods. He preached Aditya Hrudayam to Sri Rama Piran. Are these sages not Vaishnavas like Azhwars? How to understand this?

Adiyen has heard from our elders that on the day of Panguni Uttiram Emperumanar submitted Gadyatrayam unto Periya Perumal and perform prapatti. But, in present times, we perform prapatti only through an Acaryan. Given this, how Emperumanar perform prapatti without the presence of his Acaryan? How to understand this in its proper context? Forgive me if the query is inappropriate.

During the World Yoga Day a photo was shared in Sudarsanam GSPK group that said Swami Desikan has mentioned that yoga is one of the remedies for depression; and in one of the earlier issues, there was the question (Q1621003) on the same. In which Grantham did Swami Desikan mention this?

Are there any qualifications to attend Garuda Panchasat sandhai class? If not please upload sandhai video on SampradayaManjari YouTube channel or please start a class to impart the same.

What are stotras that can be chanted to overcome difficulties at office and to gain job promotion?

Thyagaraja Swami was a devotee of Srirama and form his keertanas we can understand that his ArAdhya devata (main deity of aradhanam) was Sriraman. Even then, from the caraNam “vInA gAna lIluDau shivamanO” of the “mOkSamu galadA” keertana, it appears that he is praying for moksham from Shiva. For one who is a devotee of Srirama, why is he seeking moksham from Shiva? Is it because he has sung treating Srirama as Shiva? Kindly clarify and forgive any offence conveyed.

When did Andal’s Tirukkalyanam (as per Nachiar Thirumozhi) happen? When Andal has sung ‘tai our thingal’ after Tiruppavai, why do we celebrate Andal Tirukkalyanam on the day of Bhogi?

Are Emperuman’s Hamsa avatar and Hyagriva avatar are one and same? This doubt arose due to the occurrence of of ‘hamsam’ in the Hyagriva Gayatri.

I have heard that Kingruhesha Stuti on the Emperuman of Tiruvallur was composed by Swami Desikan; is this correct? Because this stuti is not found in the Desika Stotramala, I have this doubt.

My son continues to perform prescribed daily rituals without fail. Kindly advise which slokam or pasuram to recite for a suitable alliance without any obstacles.

What is a Stotram, Sloka and Pasuram? Why are we calling them by different names?

Adiyen has heard that during the 9 days of Navarathri that Durga Devi is worshipped and it is mentioned so in the Shaketya tradition as spoken about by Shivan. Are there any references to Navarathri in the pasurams of Sri Vaishnava tradition, or the Itihasa-s and Purana-s? Have our Purvacharyas celebrated Navarathri?

Doubts about the Vedas.

Why do the Vedas talk about Perumal indirectly? Why have they not talked about Perumal openly?

Why has Perumal created several demi-gods and traditions and why has he made people follow them based on their knowledge? Why has he not declared that he alone is the Supreme Being and made everyone follow Sharanagati as the means?

In the first part of discourse series on Veda Mahimai, Svami has mentioned about Pradhana Shatakam and about the commentary that Svami has written in the Kanchi Perarulalan magazine. Where are these available? E-book versions are also acceptable.

Namaskaram. What is the principle behind the presence of Narasimha Perumal behind the murthi of Sri Chakrathazhvar?

Usually, Upanishad is not chanted after sunset. It is said that Tiruvaimozhi is the essence of Upanishad. Why then there is no such restriction for Tiruvaimozhi recitation?

Svami Desikan in his Navamanimalai, has said “pandhu, kazhal, ammAnai, Usual, Esal, paravu, namamaNimAlai…” – What are ammAnai, Usual, Esal, pravu?

Through a discourse, got to know about the existence of Karyavaikuntham. What is this? Will the mumukshu-s (those who desire to attain moksham) go there?

In the Paduka Sahasram of Svami Desikan, there is a mention of ‘Sveta Dvipam’. Where is this located at? What is the special meaning of this shloka?

Why Thiruvaaraayirappadi is predominant in Vadakalai tradition? Has Swami Desikan referred about other expositions in his works?

1 Are there any separate pasurams on Narasimhar apart from the Dasavatara pasurams from Swami Desikan’s Navamani Malai and Mummanikovai?

2 Has Swami Desikan written any shloka/pasuram on Dhanvantri Bhagavan? If yes please advise on the relevant shloka or pasuram

3 During the mangalasashanam of Thuppul Desikan, there was a shloka on Anjaneya that begins with “parinata palagrasa”; can you please advise from which works of Desikan was it recited from?

Can we recite Lakshmi Sahasram of Venkatdvari Kavi at temples?

Instead of Nachiyar Tirumozhi parayana day, why is the nURu thadA Utsavam celebrated at many temples on ‘kUDArai veLLUm’ pasuram day? Also, why is sweet Pongal (sarkkarai Pongal) offered instead of akkAravaDisil and butter as mentioned in the pasuram?

Can women recite Srinivasa Gadyam and Padmavathi Gadyam? Are they both part of the Vedas?

As per the Tenacharya tradition, it is said that the thaniyan (Eulogizing verse) “Sri Shailesha dayA pAtram” was offered by Namperumal to Mamuni; if it is true, can we recite daily the thaniyans of both Desikan and Mamuni?

Must we recite Desikan thaniyan only while reciting Desika Stotra or can we recite it during the recitation of other shloka-s as well?

Can those who are from Ramanuja Kulam recite Desikan Stotra-s, Paduka Sahasram, and other Desika Prabandham-s?

It is said that Sriranganathan himself has accepted Mamunigal as his preceptor. If so, why do we not celebrate Manuni Tirunakshatram? Adiyen is Vadakalai ayyangar; posing this query here as even after asking many Vidwan’s, have not received a satisfactory response.

Moreover, have asked this query to understand why these differences in tradition exist.

While Thiruvasiriyam is not classified as the last Prabandham in Iyarpa and is not a Prabandham that is recited last during sevakalam, why is this recited during Periya satrumurai?

Can Nachiyar Thirumozhi pasurams be recited in homes?

In our tradition, Hanuman is referred to as Tiruvadi. Why is he called so? Can prapanna-s recite Hanuman Chalisa? Asking because, the line “और देवता चित्त ना धरई| हनुमत सेई सवव सुख करई” in it is contradictory. Kindly clarify adiyen’s doubt.

From the Nammazhvar Tiruvadi Thozhal celebration which is based on the Thiruvaimozhi’ s last two decads, it is clear how a soul reaches Emperuman. What is the reason for a similar Tirvadi Thozhal function that is conducted for Thirumangaiyazhvar?

In Svami Desikan’s Prabandhasaaram, in the pasuram “vaiyagamoN poigai bhUtam pEyAzhvAr..”, after mentioning the 12 Azhvars, he has included the name of Yatiraja “iyyan aruL kaliyan yatirAsar tammODu..” towards the end. But Iramanusa Nuttrandadhi was compoased by Tiruvarangathamudanar. Why did Svami Desikan exclude Amudanar’s name and include Yatirajar’s name?

Like Garudadandakam, are there any shloka-s composed by our Purvacharya-s on Hanuman?

Notes on Ashtaka Shraddham.

Those who are performing ashtaka and anvashtaka shraddam, can they partake in some other Bhagavata`s place, who is also performing the same Tarppanam?

Do Ashtaka and anvashtaka Tarppanams fall on the same days for all Vedas or on different days for Sama Veda followers?

Will you upload the videos of Bhustuti and Garuda Panchashat santhai to SampradayaManjari YouTube channel?

Are there any references supporting that Mukundamala was composed by Kulashekara Azhwar?

This is a query related to Emperuman-s who are in idol form at Divya Desam-s. Is it possible to publish as a list the respective Tirunakshtram-s of the Divya Desam Emperuman-s? It will be helpful to recite the relevant pasuram-s for the respective Divya Desam on those days.

Can a prapanna recite Gita Govindam of Jayadeva? Can ladies wear Thulasi garland as practiced by those associated with ISKCON and chant ‘Hare Krishan’ japam?

Is there a way to learn Srimad Ramayanam, Mahabharatam, and Bhagavad Gita as per our samparadayam through santhai form? If not, why? Are these Kalakshepa granthams?

Which verse is accurate in Desika Thirunalpattu, is it ‘teedAgiya mAyakkalaigaLai’ or ‘teedAgiya mAyakkaLaigaLai’?

Can a prapanna recite Gita Govindam of Jayadeva? Can ladies wear Thulasi garland as practiced by those associated with ISKCON and chant ‘Hare Krishan’ japam?

Can Gadya Trayam be recited at any time of the day, such as morning, evening, or nighttime?

The phala shruti of certain shloka-s and pasuram-s say that one will not be born again or go to Srivaikuntham, as a fruit of reciting those shloka-s and pasuram-s. But according to our tradition, sharanagati is the only means for moksham. In this context, how do we interpret such phala shruti-s?


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