Plava – Aippasi – Accaram Anushtanam

During a period of asaucam (impurity), can men and women recite stotra patam? Can men chant Vedas and participate in sandhai? Is this applicable to impurity associated with agnates and relations that cause 3 or 1.5 days asaucam? Adiyen dhanyosmi.

Vidwan’s reply

It is alright to recite stotra patam if the asaucam is due to the birth or death of a distant relative.

But it is not a practice to do recite Vedas, participate in sandhai or teach others in a sandhai. This applies to all asaucam whether they are for a duration of 10, 3, or 1.5 days.

According to the scriptures, is the importance given to one’s position or one’s age? For example, can one prostrate in front of one’s sister-in-law (Elder brother’s wife) if that sister-in-law is younger? In this context, is the importance given to age? Similarly, can a lady and her husband prostrate before the lady’s sister-in-law (Lady’s Elder brother’s wife) even when both of them are older than the sister-in-law? Pray to clarify. Moreover, these days, not many accords respect to strata of relationships such as elder brother, elder sister, etc who are not addressed respectfully. Is it an effect of Kaliyuga?

Vidwan’s reply

Though the position of a person is given importance in the scriptures, going by the customs followed, one does not prostrate before a sister-in-law (Elder brother’s wife) who is younger than one. One is allowed to prostrate both the elder brother and his wife when they are together, even when the sister-in-law is younger.

We must inculcate in children the habit of the proper way of addressing elders right from a very young age. This habit does not occur naturally in children, it must be enforced.

How long should a disciple observe a period of impurity (asaucam) when the preceptor is not an ascetic but one who had administered samasrayanam, bharanyasam, and kalakshepam?

Vidwan’s reply

Certain books state one has to observe three days of asaucam when the disciple is not related to that preceptor and if the preceptor is not an ascetic; but in practice, one day’s asaucam is observed.

In the shraddhams, 1. why should the bachelors (Brahmachari) not be invited to act as manes to accept the offering? 2. What are the deterministic rules related to the gotram of a Swami who is invited to participate in shraddhams?

Vidwan’s reply

It is laid out that Grihasthas (married men) are to be invited to act as manes in the shraddhams; even saints (Sannyasis) can be invited. It is not mentioned that bachelors must not be invited. If bachelors are invited, it is not a practice to place the bachelors in the pithru sthanam.

If three Swamis have been invited, the invited bachelor will be in the position of Vishnu; if two Swamis are invited to act as manes, the bachelor is considered for the Vishvedeva sthanam; it is not a practice to place a lone bachelor in the pithru sthanam for the performance of a shraddham.

A Swami belonging to the same gotram (Sva-gotram) of the person for whom the shraddham is being performed, must not be invited. If no person from a different gotram is available, excluding the pithru sthanam, a Swami of the same gotram can be invited for other sthanams.

What type of kainkaryam (service) can we render at Paramapdam?

Vidwan’s reply

At Paramapadam, we can render any type of service that we desire. We do not have opportunity to render the daily services that are rendered by the Nityasuris.

When we attain Paramapadam we become devoid of desires and jealousy and hence we do not covet others’ service.

We simply do eternal salutations (“nama ityeva vAdinaH”, namaH namaH) to Perumal and revel in chanting His glorious names, as stated by Swami Desikan (“pallANDE pallANDum pADuvOmE”). That is the kainkaryam we get to render at Paramapadam.

When one has to observe a period of impurity (asaucam) due to birth of a child, what are the daily austerity that one has to follow and what should be avoided?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no difference in terms of daily rituals be it for impurity related to birth or death. Whatever austerity that one avoids during death related period of impurity, they are applicable for birth related period of impurity as well.

One has to do Sandhyavandanam without fail during this period. One has to mentally chant the mantra and avoid angannyasa and karanyasa.

A few, right after the conclusion of shraddham, proceed to perform Parehanee tharppanam. Is this the right procedure? If not, for those who have done so, is there any atonement?

Vidwan’s reply

It is called ShraddhaangaParehanee tharppanam. Parehanee means, ‘next day’. Hence it must be performed the day after sharddahm day. It is not appropriate to perform on the same days as the sharddham.

For the sharddhams that are performed for one’s father and mother, the Parehanee tharppanam must be performed the following day. For others, Parehanee tharppanam is performed on the day of shraddham itself. If the kartA is jIvit pitru, Parehanee tharppanam need not be performed.

If amvasyai (new moon day) occurs after 9 am on Deepavali, can one take an oil bath? Should one take bath again and perform tharppanam?

Vidwan’s reply

One has to take an oil bath before the sun rises on the day of Deepavali. To perform ammavasyai tharppanam, one has to bath again as tharppanam is done during the afternoon.

Who is referred to as Bhagavatas? Please explain who are Bhagavatas.

Vidwan’s reply

In General, all devotees of Bhagavan are called Bhagavatas, so all Srivaishanavas are Bhagavatas. Srivaishnavas, who are non-brahmins are specially addressed as Bhagavata.

What oil should be used for lighting lamps?

Vidwan’s reply

Generally, at home, sesame oil is used for lighting lamps; lighting lamps with pure ghee is also considered suitable.

How to develop sattvic traits over the dominance of the rajasic and tamasic qualities? Because at times, it is not possible to control emotions.

Vidwan’s reply

To develop the Sattvic trait, one must associate with noble souls who are serene, ascetic, and with sublime qualities.

When one is unable to control anger, one must contemplate

On Sirramsirukaale pasuram

The Kamashikashtaka slokam “tvai rakshati rakshakai”

Chant “Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarshana” 16 or 32 times

One must cultivate the habit of chanting at least one of the above. Contemplating on Bhagavan, listening, and reading to His stories and histories of His devotees will help us to nurture sattvic traits.

After Saranagati, all the services we render, such as stringing garlands of flowers, going to temples, celebrating Azhwars’ Tirunakshatram, participating in the temple festivals, etc. should be done without expecting any benefits, or should we simply worship the Perumal at home and render kainkaryam at home? Which is better?

Vidwan’s reply

It is good to render kainkaryam at temples after Saranagati as Sri Bashyakarar has ordained; it is one of the kainkaryams. One must do such service.

If it is not possible, one can string flowers for Perumal at home, recite pasurams, etc. at home.

There is no discrimination between rendering service at home or temple. If one can do service at the temple, one can do so or if one prefers to do service for Perumal at home, one can do that as well.

On occasions such as Upanayanam (sacred thread investiture ceremony), Seemantam (ceremony performed at an appropriate time of the first pregnancy), Sashtiabda poorthi (ceremony to celebrate sixtieth birthday), Udakashanthi (sprinkling of ceremonial water) is performed. Is this done in the mornings or evenings? Which time is appropriate?

Vidwan’s reply

Udakashanthi can be performed either in the morning or evening, both are allowed.

It is performed at a time suitable for all and not done during Raghukalam or Yamakandam.

If Ekadasi occurs during a festival, which should be given importance, and what kind of food can be prepared on that day?

Vidwan’s reply

If Ekadasi occurs during a festival those who have the energy to fast can fast on that day; those who cannot fast, can cook food, except rice, for Ekadasi and celebrate the festival.

Why should you perform Sharanagathi immediately and how to overcome obstacles?

Vidwan’s reply

Swami Desikan shares a way to overcome the obstacles in Abhitistavam Stotram. To know in detail please click the below link

What is Shastram and Sampradayam? What’s the difference and why are they important?

Vidwan’s reply

To know the reply please click the below link


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