Plava – Karthigai – Poorvacharya Sri Sukthis

Can you please pinpoint as to which chapter the following lines appear in Svami Desikan’s Paramata Bhangam?

‘Over a passage of time, due to inability of some people the Vedas and Vedantas dwindled; but even in this period, saints like Agastiyar, Parasuramar, Apasthambar and Vysasa followed the ordains of Vedas practicing it at rare places like the Vindhyas, Himalayas, Malaya and Mahindra mountain ranges. During the advent of Kruta yuga they will aid in restoring the Vedas as they are indestructible’.

Vidwan’s reply

These lines can be identified in the chapter titled Veda Nityatvam of Paramata Bhangam. In the Samudaya Doshadhikaara of Paramata Bhangam, there are notes at the place where ‘Veda Nityatvam’ is mentioned. The commentaries on this might have details on this.


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