Plava – Thai – Poorvacharya SriSookthis

Who are Bhumadevi and Neeladevi? Are they vibhu like Sridevi? Do they belong in Jivakoti or Ishvarakoti?

Vidwan’s reply:

Sridevi, Bhumadevi and Neeladevi are consorts of Emperuman as per authoritative statements.

The eldest consort Sridevi is the supreme Goddess.

There is no proof that Bhudevi and Neeladevi are almighty, hence they belong to Jivakoti and are considered Nityasuris.

Why did Dronacharya (commander), though he was the greatest teacher, aided others to kill Abhimanyu during Mahabharata war? Why did Krupacharya also participate I this? Why did Dronacharya and Krupacharya being Brahmins participate in the war?

Vidwan’s reply:

We should accept it was unjust that all of them killed Abhimanyu in the war. But if they did not kill him, he would have wrecked their army and would have brought in many allies; having no options, they killed him in an unrighteous manner. Even the Pandavas indulged in unfair means during the war.

To emerge victorious, we have seen many resorting to unscrupulous ways in the Mahabharata war.

As for Dronacharya and Krupachariy being Brahmins, it is an accepted law that when Brahmins were left with no options, they can take upon the ordains of a Kshatriya. We can pacify ourselves that to protect the country they participated in the war.

Please explain the importance of Parasurama avatara?

Vidwan’s reply:

Medium QualityParasurama took incarnation to kill the evil Kshatriyas. There were innumerable kings during his period. They did not adhere to any laws of a Kshatriyas and were ruling as they wished. As there were many evil persons in the guise of kings, there was a need to destroy them

The kings who belonged to the Chandra and Surya lineage were ruling the kingdom as ordained and they continued to rule. Parasurama killed only the evil kings who did not let the virtues to flourish.

There is an elaborate explanation in Daya Shatakam with regards to this. Please click the below link to further your knowledge.

We have heard that Lord Varaha rescued Bhumi Piratti from the clutches of Hiranyakshan during the deluge of waters (jalapralayam). The Lord protected the earth by holding all the worlds in his navel. Did this occur before or after creation?

Vidwan’s reply:

The advent of srushti is called samasta-srushti. Perumal created the universe after creating the essential substance separately. During this, he created Brahamandam and then Brahma. He further created through Brahma.

This incident happened during the period between the creations. When he was creating other beings through Brahma, jalapralayam occurred. He protected the earth by killing Hiranyakshan to help Brahma in creation.

Some publications on Ramayana state that Tara, wife of Vali, took birth from Ksheerasagaram. Is this true? If it is false are there any proof regarding her origin of birth?

Vidwan’s reply:

There is no such detail regarding this in Valmiki Ramayana. We shall get back when we find any details on this from other sources.

Can you post the index for Stotrams and Prabandhams that has been uploaded in your YouTube channel as it is difficult for me to follow telegram messages? This would be very useful for devotees like adiyen who is desirous of learning about our sampradayam offline.

Vidwan’s reply:

While there is no particular order for stotrams, you can start from small stotrams like Sudharsanashtakam, Kamasikashtakam, Parmartha Stuti, Dasavathara Stotram and then gradually progress to Daya Shatakam from the following stepwise learning you tube link.


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