Shobhakrit – Aippasi – Accaram Anushtanam

Can one who observes Ekadasi vratam partake prasadham-s such as tamarind rice, and curd rice from the temple?

Vidwan’s reply:
One who observes Ekadasi vratam must not partake any cooked rice at all.

Some Jain friends say that Thirumalai is a Jain temple; is there any source from Purana-s to prove that it is a Divya Desam of Emperuman?

Vidwan’s reply:

Not just one or two but 13 Puranas have stated about the glories of Thiruvenkata malai. There are various proofs such as the hymns of Azhwars, Acharyas, shlokas, and keerthanams of many saints on this Divya-Desam. There is no proof that Jainism existed at Thirumalai, it is just a baseless argument.

Adiyen’s mother-in-law has not lit up Puratassi Mavilakku so far, but this custom is practiced in adiyen’s elder father-in-law’s house; our father-in-law has ascended and we four daughters-in-law reside at different places, shall we start practice of lighting up lamps?

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, you can begin to light Purattasi Mavilakku afresh.

There is a picture of Prakrutam Azhagiyashingar at my home; can adiyen place flowers on that picture similar to placing flowers for the pictures of Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, flowers can be placed in the picture of Srimad Azhagiyashingar.

Can Srivaishnava-s travel to Kasi and Kedarnath?

Vidwan’s reply:

Kasi is one of the mukti kshetram, Bindu Madhava Perumal resides there. One can take a holy bath at the Ganges. There is a temple there for Adikeshava Perumal. There is a Perumal temple at Manikarnika Ghat too. Travelling to Kasi is not wrong but at Kedarnath, there are temples for Lord Shiva only so there is no need to visit them.

In which direction should evening sandhya vandanam be performed? Should it be done entirely facing the north side or arghyam alone should be rendered facing west?

Vidwan’s reply:

During the evening sandhya vandanam, arghyam, japam, upasthanam should be done facing west and achamanam should be done towards east/north direction.

Adiyen is a research student in biotechnology, hence this question. Acaram paves the way for us to safeguard ourselves from bacteria. But why do we use cow dung for cleaning purposes when it contains bacteria? Adiyen has full faith in our shastram but this question is based on a scientific aspect.

Vidwan’s reply:

If bacteria exist in cow dung, it is considered impure. As per scriptures, it cannot be considered clean for more than three days.

Cow dung was used in the olden days on mud floors for prevention from insects. It was used to clean floors and certain vessels; it shall not be used to cleanse the hands, feet, or other items so that there is no chance for bacteria to stick to them.

Moreover, after using cow dung, the floor should be cleansed well with a cloth by sprinkling water. There should not be a trace of the smell of cow dung. Then only it can be considered clean per shastram.

Due to sinusitis men of our house could not take head baths every day; can they perform Tiruvaradhanam on those days?

Vidwan’s reply:

During the times when a head bath is not taken, one can mentally worship and offer prasadam, arghyam without touching Perumal; but performing thirumanjanam will not be possible while the rest can be somewhat manageable with proper acharam.

Can we rear pet animals as per our tradition? Are they allowed inside homes?

Vidwan’s reply:

Tradition does not play a role in this but coming into contact with dogs is considered tainted; hence they are prohibited but cats are not that objectionable.

It is stated Tulasi should not be plucked during Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Dvadasi, and Amavasyai. There is a word called Manvadi Yugadinam, what is its meaning?

On which days Tulasi should not be plucked in a year?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is said that Tulasi must not be plucked on Manvadi, Yugadi, etc. Manvadi and Yugadi are mentioned in the Panchangams. The first day of a Yuga is called Yugadi; as an example the day on which Kali yuga started is Yugadi. Yuga refers to a period; similarly is Manvantaram. The time when a Manvantaram starts is Manvadi; on such days Tulasi must not be plucked. This is not followed strictly; if one is aware of such periods, it is better not to pluck Tulasi on such days.

As mentioned in the query, Tulasi must not be plucked on Tuesdays, Fridays along with days on which Amavasyai, Maasa Pirappu when tharpanam is performed, and dvadasi days.

Due to lack of space, adiyen has placed Acarya Paduka-s in front of the Salagrama box and performed Tiruvaradhanam; can it be done this way?

Vidwan’s reply:

Acharya Paduka-s should not be kept along with Salagrama deities; the sanctum of Perumal should be separate; the vessels for Perumal should not be mixed with along with the paduka-s of Acarya, so there should be a separate place for both.

To know further on this, please refer to question Q47PUR230002 of Purattasi issue of Sudarsanam for answers.

I have heard about Karma Vipaka, a scriptural text that mentions the consequential effects of the offenses we commit. One such misdeed is if we consider that Siva and Emperuman are the same, we beget blood-related disease; how to understand this from the Srivaishnava perspective and what are our elders’ justifications on this?

Vidwan’s reply:

We need not refer to all the texts. We shall refer only to the texts that are provided as a source by our Purvacharyas. Superior texts like Manusmriti can be referred to. The rest are stated by devotees for Saivites. We need not consider them.

It is stated that one should not think Siva and Emperuman are the same is correct, and we do not consider them to be one because Emepruman is the supreme Lord. To understand who is supreme, there are superior texts like Srimad Ramayanam, Manu smriti, Yagnyavalkiya smriti, etc. as the proof provided by the great saints.

The rest are claims made for the respective devotees and not for us.

At which age can one perform Bharanyasam? Can it be done at a younger age?

Vidwan’s reply:

Bharanyasam can be done at any age including at a younger age.

Can we go overseas for work-related purposes or other reasons? Why is traveling overseas prohibited? Is it because the land of Bharata is a karmic earth or any other reasons apart from this? Is there any other name for overseas places like how we refer to ours as Jambudvipa?

Vidwan’s reply:

Scripturally, Bharatam is referred to as Karmabhumi, and our elders have advised us not to travel overseas.

When should one doTula snanam? Is it before performing pratha snanam or during madhyanika snanam before sandhya vandanam? Or should it be done during both these periods?

Vidwan’s reply:

Tula snanam can be done while doing pratha snanam before morning sanddya, there is no need to do it two times.

It can be done before madhyanika snanam but one has to remain without partaking food. If one takes a bath during madhyanikam, tula snanam can be done prior to this snanam.

My father-in-law attained Acharyan Tiruvadi recently; my husband is their only son; shall we visit Divya Desam, other temples, hill based kshetram during the first year?

Vidwan’s reply:

One can visit temples in their native places, can participate in divya desa utsavams, one should refrain from teertha yatra and should not visit hill-based kshetram during this period.

Can we perform Perumal Tiruvaradhanam after performing tharpanam on the banks of Kaveri? Is there a rule that pitru tharpanam is to be performed only after Perumal Tiruvaradhanam?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is better to perform pitru tharpanam after Perumal Tiruvaradhanam; having said this, in a few traditions, Perumal Tiruvaradhanam is performed after doing pitru tharpanam on the banks of Kaveri.

Shall we use the same sacred bell that was used in Perumal Tiruvaradhanam for Paduka Tiruvaradhanam, or should we offer separate ghantai for both?

Vidwan’s reply:

A sacred bell can be offered to Paduka aradhanam, but it should be a separate bell and not the same one that was offered to Perumal.

We live in a gated community, adiyen alone has performed Bharanyasam. Can we use the coconut, fruits that were given to my wife during Navaratri by non Srivaishnava-s? Will this result in association with demigods?

Vidwan’s reply:

One should not use the fruits, betel, and vermillion given by those who are associated with demigods. If the coconut is not offered to their Gods, then it can be used.

Can we use the coconut that was offered to Perumal at temples or at home in the preparation of food? Can we offer that cooked food to Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply:

Some, a few elders, use the coconut that was offered to Perumal in cooking and they offer the same to Perumal. If we desiccate the coconut, offer it to Perumal, and partake in the same, then on the next day the same coconut cannot be used for cooking.


Generally, two separate foods are prepared one with coconut and one without coconut; after offering the food without coconut to Perumal, both foods are mixed. This is one subtle method.

Must the masa pirappu tharpanam be performed before the month is born? Or must it be done only after the birth of the month?

Vidwan’s reply:

There are specific determinations for each masa pirappu tharpanam and all are based on the same calculations. If it is Shadasheeti, tharpanam is done after the birth of the month; even in this calculation, there are various factors involved. We shall look into this in detail at a later date.

Adiyen’s husband attained Paramapadam recently; I have two daughters only. My brother-in-law’s son is performing all the rituals related to my husband’s ceremonies. After the varushAbdikam (first anniversary), who must perform the shraddha that follows? Can my brother-in-law’s son continue to perform? Kindly advise what the alternative is when he is unable to.

Vidwan’s reply:

You have mentioned that you have two daughters, please let us know whether they have sons, that is your grandsons.

Can those who have not done samashrayanam perform Gaya shraddha? Will it yield fruits? Should it be done as a couple?

Vidwan’s reply:

There is no relation between pancha-samaskaram and gaya shraddha. Gaya shraddha is a sAvakAsha shraddha – done at a time of our choosing. Samashrayanam must be performed without delay right after upanayanam; it is better to perform Gaya shraddha after samashrayanam.

In Gaya shraddha, piNDadhAnam is important; in our tradition, piNDadhAnam is done during the pArvaNa shraddha; a householder (Grihastha) must perform the pArvaNa shraddha with his own agni; since aupAsanam is to be done, it is better to perform Gaya shraddha as a couple.


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