Shobhakrit – Avani – Poorvacharya Sri Sukthis

Which type of kalakshepams can women participate in?

Vidwan’s reply:

Women can participate and listen to kalakshepams of Srimad Rahasyatrayasaram, Chillarai Rahasyangal, Bhagavad Vishayam.

What does the word ‘buddhAya’ mean in Srivishnuvijaya strotram 3rd shloka ‘namOstu buddhAya ca daityamOhinE’?

Vidwan’s reply:

To attract this world, Bhagavan incarnated as Buddha to steer away those who support atheism without any realization. To reform the supporters of Buddhism, He incarnated as Buddha so that those who have reformed will become a Srivaishnava as per Perumal’s opinion. These are all His transcendental pastimes; it does not warrant that we should worship Buddha.

Have a few doubts related to Divya Prabandha vyAkhyAna:

What are nAlAyira(4000)-paDi, ArAyira (6000)-paDi?

What was the basis for these categorizations?

What are the differences between these?

Which one must we learn first? Is there a sequence or order of learning?

Where are these texts available?

Are these each different explanations of Divya Prabandham? Or are they expansion of the meanings?

Vidwan’s reply:

A Grantham is made up of 32 syllables. nAlAyira (4000)-paDi includes 4000 such Grantham-s. ArAyira (6000)-paDi includes 6000 Grantham-s.

These are approximate categorizations based on the syllables.

nAlAyira (4000)-pAdi is abbreviated; ArAyira (6000)-paDi is expanded.

There is no sequence to learn this. What are expositions that one has an affinity for, they can learn that. In our tradition ArAyira (6000)-paDi is learned first.

There are several publications for Divya Prabandham vyAkhyAnam. ArAyira (6000)-paDi commentary has been published by Andavan Ashramam. Periyavachan Pillai commentary is available at Rangavilas Mandapam at Srirangam. Another publication is available for nAlAyira (4000)-paDi vyAkhyAnam by Uttamur Svami.

There could be minor differences based on the publication.


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