Shobhakrit – Panguni – Poorvacharya Sri Sukthis

Can women study Srimad Bhagavatam as it is or are they allowed to read only the commentaries?

Which publication of Srimad Bhagavatam are Sri Vaishnava-s allowed to read?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is not a practice for women to study Srimad Bhagavatam. They are allowed to read commentaries in any language – Tamil, English, etc.

In recent times, no publishing house has been set up to cater to the Sri Vaishnava-s. On behalf of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam, Srimad Bhagavatam with several versions has been published. But they are large volumes. At present, we use the publication of Gita Press for our chanting. There are no significant differences between these publications. On the translated versions and commentaries, Srirangam Srimad Poundarikapuram Ashramam. So far, they have published two cantos (Skandam). They are very old books but they are not available now.

Vidwan’s reply:

Is Radha Rani a fact or real? If so, is she an incarnation of Mahalakshmi or an ordinary Gopika? How do the followers of Tennacharya sampradayam and Desika sampradayam consider Radha Rani from a scriptural perspective?

Vidwan’s reply:

Swami Desikan has mentioned an aspect of Radha Rani in Yadavabhyudayam. Hence, all our preceptors have accepted her. They have also mentioned that she is a facet or component of Lakshmi Piratti.

Can Adiyen recite Nalayira Divya Prabandham? Where should I begin from?

Is Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Vendanta Sangraham for beginners? What must one do to properly learn Sri Bhashyam?

Adiyen is eager to learn about Vaishnava austerities and rituals. What is Swami Desikan’s Adhikarana Saravali?

Vidwan’s reply:

One certainly chante Nalayira Divya Prabandham. Learn it from someone else as a santhai. Our GSPK imparts Divya Prabandham in two sessions. For further information, join the Telegram group by clicking the link below.

Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Vedanta Sangraham is not only for beginners. It also includes difficult subjects and is suitable for everyone. To properly learn Sri Bhashyam, one must do so through a kalakshepam from an Acharya. Before doing so, fundamentally one must know Sanskrit and must have read Vyakarana-s, Kavya-s, etc. after which one can learn Sri Bhashyam from an Acharya.

Several Grantham-s are available on Srivaishnavism. Vedanta Desikan has graced us with Srivaishnava Nerigal. It contains many details about Srivaishnavam. This book is available in many places. Adhikarana Saravali is a summary of Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Sri Bhashyam and Vedanta Shastra and is in the form of shloka-s. It cannot be learned by oneself by reading through it instead, it must be learned through kalakshepam.

The shloka below is about the eight Svayam Vyakta (Self-manifested) Kshetram-s:

AdyaM rangamiti prOktaM vimAnaM rangasaMjnitam |

shrImuSNaM vEntaTAdriM ca sALagrAmaM ca naimisham ||

tOyAdriM puSkaraM caiva naranArAyaNAshramam |

aSTA mE mUrtayaH santi svayaMvyaktA mahItalE ||

What is the association between the eight self-manifest Kshetram-s and Tiruvashtakshara mantram?

Vidwan’s reply:

The Tiruvashtakshara mantram updaesam took place at Bhadrikashramam. Hence it is special. Other than this, it appears there are no other connections.

Vidwan’s reply:

We can carry out physical chores only through a physical body; we must avoid the perplexity that arises when we consider that I/ME as a physical body, and have the knowledge that I/Me is separate from the physical body.

Swami Desikan has said that when one disparages the physical body by saying that you are dark, one must realize that this does not affect the Atma; and this thought will enable one to stay calm and avoid getting angry.

Desires can be conquered through wisdom. All of these are found in the Sanklapa Suryodayam drama.


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