Shobhakrutu – Chitthirai – Accaram Anushtanam

Can we shift house during the month of Panguni?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is not in custom to perform a housewarming ceremony or to shift a house during the month of Panguni.

Why should a husband not shave while the wife is pregnant?

Vidwan’s reply:

Generally, there are prescribed rules to be followed during a diksha period; this period has to be observed like a vrata; many diksha-s prescribed for occasions like upanayanam, vivaha, yagadiksha, etc.; during these periods it is prescribed that men should not shave.

Similarly, he is not allowed to shave during pregnancy as it is observed like a vratam.

When an untoward incident happens to a distant relative or known people while we are away, on which days should we call upon them to convey our condolences as we are unable to visit them in person?

Vidwan’s reply::

There are many opinions regarding this subject. Each place/region follows its respective practices; while Srirangam has its observance and Kanchipuram follows as per their observance. Some say one has to convey their condolence during odd-numbered days like (1,5,7) while some others say it has to be on even-numbered days and few more say it can be done on any day within the first ten days period after demise. But many believe Mondays are not prescribed to convey their condolences, hence Mondays should be avoided.

According to many, any other day than a Monday is suitable, however, it is advisable to follow their respective practices.

What do the scriptures state about wearing diamond jewelry? Can one wear diamond studded jewelry or is it considered ostentatious?

Vidwan’s reply::

Wearing a diamond is considered special like wearing gold jewelry. It can create certain good vibes in our bodies but it is not compulsory to wear diamonds.

For example, some men wear diamond studs; they cannot be deciphered as ostentatious. It can be worn without ostentation. But the stone possesses certain defects which might affect the wearer or his family. One has to select the stone without defects through well-acquainted persons.

It can be worn in an auspicious manner, which is considered better as our people do not wear it for flamboyance.

Are there any atonements to do when we have conveyed our condolence in person on a Monday?

Vidwan’s reply:

There are no remedies as per our tradition for scriptures have not provided any. If you feel disheartened, you can recite Sristuti and worship Perumal.

Can the father-in-law perform Darsha/sankramana shraddha when a daughter-in-law is pregnant?

Vidwan’s reply::

Father-in-law can certainly perform Darsha/sankramana shraddha when a daughter-in-law is pregnant as they ordained duties, Nitya karma-s, that cannot be omitted.

What is Garbhadhana samskaram and what is its significance?

Vidwan’s reply::

Shanti muhurtam is known as Garbhadhana samskaram, it is done for a progeny of a family by invoking certain mantras. As it creates the birth of the next generation, it is called Garbhadhana (Garbha Adhana) samskaram. It is done for the progeny, welfare, growth, and auspiciousness of our family; hence it is mentioned specifically.

A few Srivaishnava-s wear red Srichuranam and a few others wear yellow Srichuranam; which is the preferred one and what is the rationale behind this?

Vidwan’s reply::

Please refer to Sudarshanam Plava year Adi month issue 007JUL21001 for answers.

Yellow Srichuranam is natural while red is ac

Can we accept Thulasi during Ekadasi will it breach the observance?

Vidwan’s reply::

Those who observe the total fast during Ekadasi will not partake Thulasi, they may accept Perumal tirtham and observe the fast. Those who partake tiffin can accept Thulasi.

Adiyen have not associated with an Acharya yet and has few doubts regarding the association with a preceptor:

1. What is the difference between Madhva tradition and Ramanuja tradition? Are both not Srivaishnava-d? What is the difference between Vishishtadvaitam and Dvaitam?

. 2. Shall we attain salvation just by performing Prapatti and not Bhakti? Why do Srivaishanava-s say Prapatti is the only means to attain salvation?

. 3. What is the difference between bhakti and bhakti yogam?

. 4. Must one have undergone upanayanam before undergoing samashrayanam and bharanyasam? Should a Srivaishnava wear poonal (sacred thread) to obtain initiation?

. 5. Are Mahalakshmi thayar and Sriman Narayanan one and the same? Can thayar alone grant salvation without the grace of Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply::

Q1. Both Madhva and Ramanuja tradition followers are devotees of Vishnu and in that sense, they are also Srivaishnava-s. But the philosophy varies known as Dvaitam and Vishishtadvaitam.

In Vishishtadvaitam, Perumal is the in-dweller in all; he is the in-dweller who commands and all-pervasive; Dvaitam does not accept this.

Bhagavan rules like a king to protect the universe; while a king rules externally, Bhagavan rules everything by being all pervasive including the animate and inanimate; he is the supreme soul of all souls. Hence, he is called Paramathma. There are such differences that can be understood by listening to kalakshepam-s.

Vishistadvaitam means Bhagavan resides everywhere along with the universe and he is the only pervasive entity.

Dvaitam states Bhagavan is separate, and the universe is separate. But as per Vishishtadvaitam, Bhagavan is two entities, animate and inanimate, and is pervasive in both and nothing is separable from Him.

Q2. Scriptures state if we perform Prapatti we can attain salvation, but it does not mean one cannot attain salvation through bhakti; such a question had arisen due to misunderstanding the concept. Prapatti is the direct means of salvation while bhakti induces Prapatti for salvation. For example, when one can reach the terrace at the eleventh stair, it is like asking if can we go up only by climbing the 10th stair and if is it not possible by climbing the 1st or 2nd stair instead. In that sense, bhakti is also essential.

Q3. There are many stages in bhakti, every human needs bhakti always; even to perform prapatti one requires bhakti. Prapatti does not mean one is not without devotion. Bhakti yogam as stated in Bhagavad Gita is meditating on the Supreme being which is not an easy means for us. One who performs prapatti does have basic devotion, so it can’t be stated that the person is devoid of devotion.

Q4. It is not a must that one has should have undergone upanayanam for performing samashrayanam and bharanyasam. To obtain Srivaishnava disksha it is not a must that one has to wear the sacred thread.

Q5. Mahalakshmi thayar and Sriman Narayanan are two separate Gods and not one. Scriptures have not stated that thayar alone can grant salvation. As per Vedas, scriptures, Ithihasa-purana, the divine couple grants salvation, we have to accept this instead of pondering on matters like whether one of them can grant salvation. Granthams, Azhwars and Acaryas have also stated they grant salvation together as a divine couple.

Q1. Will a person who aspires to become a Srivaishnava lose eligibility if they eat onion, or garlic due to family circumstances?

Q2. Can a Srivaishnava wear Thulasi garland every day?

Vidwan’s reply::

Q1. A Srivaishnava is a devotee of Vishnu; one who behaves to the please Bhagavan acquires the eligibility to become a Srivaishnava, otherwise one cannot be a complete Srivaishnava based on this aspect.

There is no stipulation that only Smarthas or Vaishnavas are prohibited from eating onion, or garlic. It is not a sattvic food. Bhagavan had preached that everyone must respect and follow what the scriptures have ordained so that they become his devotees. Vaishnavism is complete if such food is avoided.

Even if one consumes them due to family compulsions, it is considered a sin as the scriptures have ordained them not to consume. It is not only for Srivaishnava-s but common to all.

Q2. A Srivaishnava must wear Tulasi garland. The garland is of different types, our elders do not wear an un-consecrated garland, but people of other traditions do so. Our Azhwars, Acharya sampradayam accept Tulasi garlands that have undergone prathishtai. One should observe rules like not wearing them during asaucham, one can wear them upon the advice from elders.

Can Prapannas visit Mantralayam to worship the jeeva samadhi?

Vidwan’s reply::

Prapannas need not visit Mantralayam, it is enough that they worship our Azhwars and Acharyas.

Can rice flour lamps be lit during Malayapaksham?

Vidwan’s reply::

We shall provide a reply later.

As Adiyen’s father-in-law passed away, we have been told that we should not visit a temple with dwajastambham, please let me know the reason for this.

Vidwan’s reply::

As we are in mourning and should observe it, we should not indulge in celebrating festivals, utsavams, or gatherings for a few days. When we visit places like temples, we will have to handle unpleasant situations of talking about the demise. To avoid this, it is said we should not visit temples.

When a man of the household is not interested in following the tradition, can the woman of the house offer prasadam to Salagrama Perumal and what else can she do?

Vidwan’s reply::

If the man of the house is not interested to observe tradition, the woman can certainly offer prasadam to Salagrama Perumal, moreover, she can draw kolam, light a lamp and recite stotrams before Perumal.

Adiyen’s father passed away in December, can adiyen take bath in the rivers?

Vidwan’s reply::

One can take bath in the rivers but not like it is done during a pilgrimage, avoid taking bath at holy rivers like the Ganges. If you happen to visit Srirangam for any other purpose, then, you can take a dip at Kaveri.

During the oblation ceremony, if one happens to sit in the positions of Vishve Deva, Vishnu, and Pitru sthanam-s during sapindeekaranam, how many days of asaucam are ascribed for each sthanam? As an atonement, how many times the Gayatri mantram is chanted? Kindly clarify

Vidwan’s reply::

The details are available in a PDF version. We will share them soon.


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