Subhakrit – Aippasi – Accaram Anushtanam

We belong Vadakali sect and have all undergone prapatti. The temple at the Divya Desam where we reside follows Tenkalai tradition. During the month of Aippasi in the festivities that take place for 10 days for Manavala Mamunigal Thirunakshatram (Aippasi Mulam), adiyen will participate and render a few services. Is this appropriate?

Vidwan’s reply

Manavala Mamunigal is also a Ramanujadasa. Hence participating in services during his Thirunakshatram is appropriate.

How does childless couples perform the Shastiabdapurthi (to celebrate 60 years of age)?

Vidwan’s reply

Childless couples’ Shastiabdapurthi can be conducted by their siblings.

Can we offer white Sangupoo (Aparajita/White Butterfly Pea Flower) to Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply

Yes, It can be offered to Perumal.

At our home, we have Salagrama murthis and photos of Perumal from several Divya Desam-s; but some say that those who have undergone bharanyasam need to worship only Salagrama murthis and photos of acharyas and need not worship other Perumal photos. Is it so? Pray clarify our confusion.

Vidwan’s reply

One can certainly have photos of Divya Desam and abhimana sthala Perumal throughout one’s house. One must not have photos of other demi-gods.

It is elder’s practice not to keep photos inside Tirukkoyil Azhwars at homes.

Why must we not have pets such as dogs at homes?

Vidwan’s reply

As coming into contact with dogs will make us impure, pets such as dogs must not be kept at home.

Adiyen’s Acharyan is Srimad Azhagiyashingar. As the head of Mutt, many superior services are rendered unto him. People like adiyen unfortunately are unable to render any significant services for him. This makes us sad. What are different ways that commoners such as ourselves can serve the Acharyan which will please him?

Vidwan’s reply

One must render services that please one’s Acharya`s divine heart. One must obey their ordains. This will please them.

It is not a must that only when one renders physical services directly in front of Acharyan can one please him. Shrimad Azhagiyashingar while conducting samashrayanam would have instructed one to chant mantras, perform daily Tiruvaradhanam, etc. He will be pleased when one follows their ordains diligently. He will be pleased when we perform the prescribed austerities without fail.

Can the newly purchased cloth until it is washed for the first time be treated as a madi vastram?

Vidwan’s reply

If the newly purchased cloth is made of silk, one can wear it as it is. If it is made of cotton, one must smear a little turmeric powder, wash and dry it before being worn; this practice is followed by elders as can be seen during Avani Avittam, especially by those elders who have the habit of purchasing new clothes for Avani Avittam.

During auspicious festivals like Deepavali one can wear new cloth (without washing) but it is not considered Madi [however it is not considered impure(theetu)]. Also one cannot do Thiruvaradhanam wearing new cloth without washing them as it is not Madi.

Regarding Mahalya Paksham:

Must we prepare the mahalaya paksham shraddha diet during the entire period? Or can we follow the usual (non-Mahalya Paksha) preparations after Mahalya tharppanam (post Madhyashtami)?

Should the married couple take head bath on all the 15 days?

Vidwan’s reply

No need to prepare shraddha diet for the entire duration of Mahalaya Paksham. Only the day when Mahalaya Paksha tharppanam is performed, and on the day of Mahalaya amavasyai, shraddha diet is prepared.

If Mahalaya Paksham tharppanam is done on all the 15 days, both the couple must take head bath on all 15 days. When tharppanam is done only once during the 15 days, it is enough to take head bath on that one day of tharppanam.

When the pre-cooked food is mixed with salt before being cooked in the lighted stove, is that considered tainted (Patthu)?

Vidwan’s reply

No, it is not considered tainted – on days when light food (palakaaram) is partaken, salt is added to pre-cooked food such as Idli, Dosai, etc. before preparing them in the lighted stove.

When the Sri Vaishnava-s who have performed pancha-samskaaram pray to Perumal to fulfil materialistic needs, can they be accepted as bhagavatas?

Vidwan’s reply

If the Sri Vaishnava-s who have performed pancha-samskaaram only pray to Perumal, they are bhagavatas, regardless of the fact they pray to him for material or spiritual needs. When one prays only to Perumal, one is bhagavata.

Namaskaram. At the place of work, how much ever adiyen is hardworking and sincere, it is not effective. Or adiyen loses job and is forced to hunt for another job. Adiyen is under financial difficulties until adiyen gets a job. Is there any means to follow for remedy?

Vidwan’s reply

It appears that one can pray to Piratti sincerely and chant Sristuti as means.

Will it be an impediment to attain salvation (Moksham) when one commits bhagavata apacharam (offending a bhagavata)? Or will Perumal punish and grant salvation?

Vidwan’s reply

It is said that offending a Bhagavata can prevent attainment of Moksham. As its consequences are severe, one must avoid this.

If the photos of Perumal and Thayar are separate, must the Thayar photo be placed to the left or right side of Perumal photo? Is there a mandatory requirement as to where Thayar photo should be placed?

Vidwan’s reply

Lakshmidevi photo can be placed to the right of Perumal photo and Bhumadevi photo can be placed to the left of Perumal photo. There are no regulations on this. It is a matter of one’s devotional experience.

Those who go out for work, when they return home after work, must they take a head bath before evening Sandhyavandanam, or will the prokshana mantras of Sandhyavandanam will purify them? Since Ashtakshara mantra is involved, had this doubt.

Vidwan’s reply

It is proper to perform austerities such as Sandhyavandanam with physical purity.

If possible, take a head bath before Sandhyavandanam.

If not possible, without taking a head bath, one can take kanta snanam (That is, taking bath up to the neck and washing the face. Even if this is not possible, one can wash the face and wear fresh Thiruman and perform Sandhyavandanam after doing mantra snanam).

These matters are related to one’s physical capability or incapabilities.

Can one light lamp at Puja room or go to temple after partaking old left-over food?

Vidwan’s reply

One can certainly light lamp at Puja room and go to temple after partaking old left-over food.

Can an Aiyangar boy who has done bharanyasam marry a north India girl of Kshatriya caste? If he does so, can he perform final rites of his father?

Vidwan’s reply

It is appropriate for marriages to take place within one’s same caste and sect.

The Kshatriya castes of north India, is influenced with several external factors. It is difficult to say whether it is truly a Kshatriya caste. It is advisable to avoid such mixed marriages.

It is a continuation of question on Brahma yagyam from the previous issue. What is the speciality of the acamanam of the Brahma yagyam? Why is this done without chanting of mantras?

Vidwan’s reply

Brahma yagyam is found in the second prashnam (question) of the Taittiriya Aranyakam. In this, it is mentioned that acamanam must be performed three times. No mantras are mentioned in this section. In addition to this, with the performance of this acamanam, it pleases the Riks. Hence we follow this practice.

One can understand that Sandhyavandanam must be done within certain time, and it can be done even before taking a bath. What is the procedure or method to perform Sandhyavandanam without taking bath? What are the details that one must be aware of?

Vidwan’s reply

Sandhyavandanam is associated with time. It must be done at the stipulated time. As far as possible, one must take bath and perform Sandhyavandanam. When one is down with a fever or illness, Sandhyavandanam can be performed without taking bath.

Those who are physically unable to take bath, can wash their face, adorn Thiruman, do mantra snanam and perform Sandhyavandanam.

If one is not physically afflicted and is physically sound, one must take bath before performing Sandhyavandanam. It is the practice of the elders.

It is said that wearing Urdhva Pundram is equivalent to taking bath; what type of snanam is this? Kindly explain.

Vidwan’s reply

Washing face and adorning Thiruman kappu is called Pundrasnanam.

In the annual oblations (varshAptiakm), what are the stipulations for bhoktA and kartA?

Vidwan’s reply

Annual shraddham has to be done with homam and three bhokta-s. In the varshAptikam, kartA need not perform parehanee tharppanam the following day. But must perform a tadheeyaradhanam and feed Brahmins.

In the varhshAptikam, a bhoktA must not partake in a shraddha 3 days after varshAptikam. Must do 300 Gayatri mantra japam.

Adiyen has few queries from GSPK’s series of discourses by Navalpakkam Sri U Ve Kannan Swamy on the greatness of the Vedas (Vedha Mahimai).

Can Srivaishnava-s learn Vedas from Vedic scholars of other tradition or Veda school (Pathasala)?

Must Srivaishnava-s prostrate before Vedic scholars of other traditions? Is it allowed to prostrate them as a Vedic scholar or because they are non-Srivaishnava-s, we just pay respects with an Anjali? What is the practice of our Azhvar-s and Acharya-s?

Vidwan’s reply

Taking the time period into consideration, it is best to learn the Vedas from the scholars of our tradition. If not possible, as there is a scarcity of Vedic scholars who can impart the Vedas, there is no harm in learning the Vedas from them. It is important to learn the Vedas.

The Vedas say that all demi-gods reside in the Brahmin who has learned the Vedas. Krishna has said that he reveres the Agnihothri. Hence, even if they belong other traditions, there is no harm in prostrating them.


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