Subhakrit – Avani – Accaram Anushtanam

What must one do with the Pavitra malai gotten from temples? What must we do with older Pavitra malai-s?

Vidwan’s reply

One can wear the Pavitra malai-s while performing daily rituals such as Tiruvaradhanam, japam, etc., and when one is in pure condition.

When they become old, they must not be disposed of at impure places that cannot be trodden on with foot and can be deposited in rivers.

In the last issue of Sudarshanam it was mentioned that Perumal tirtham can be distributed three times for the household members; is this applicable to all those who are in the house or only to those who have undergone samashrayanam?

Vidwan’s reply

In some households, it is a practice to distribute Perumal tirtham thrice to those who have undergone samashrayanam and once for the rest. Follow the practice of your respective houses.

Is there any stipulation that sandhyavandanam must be done within a particular time? For example, can it be done before 10 PM? At times, during travels, sandhyavandanam cannot be performed at the appropriate time. Are there any atonements to follow when performed untimely?

Vidwan’s reply

Sandhyavandanam must be performed within the stipulated time. If it is not done within one and half hours of the stipulated time, atonements such as pranayamam, etc. must be done.

These days some perform at 8 PM or 9 PM; this is not that bad. But during long journeys, one is forced to perform a evening sandhyavandanam either early next dawn or morning. On such occasions, as atonement, an increased number of pranayamams are performed – 3 extra pranayamams are stipulated.

Due to my workload, I am unable to recite many slokas. What is a simple alternative?

Vidwan’s reply

It is beneficial to recite Nyasa Dashakam from the strotras. It can be recited within 2-3 minutes. Likewise, regardless of whether one has time, one must recite satrumurai pasurams of Tiruppavai. When possible, the whole Tiruppavai must be recited.

Recently I heard that only those who have undergone samashrayanam or bharanyasam must recite Rahasya Trayam. I have neither performed samashrayanam nor undergone bharanyasam yet; but I am learning Vedas and Srimad Bhagavad Gita, through which learned about Ashtaksharam and Charama Sloka. Based on my understanding, Dvaya mantra is part of Srimad Ramayanam. I want to know whether one who has not performed samshrayanam or bharanyasam can recite Srimad Ramayanam, Srimad Bahgavad Gita, Upanisha,etc.

Vidwan’s reply

One can start learning the Vedas and Upanishad immediately after Upanayanam.

Males can start with Srimad Ramayanam, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, and meanings of other Mantras soon after samashrayanam.

Need not wait to start learning anything after bharanyasam.

However, these days it is a practice to teach Srimad Ramayanam, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, etc. to one right from a young age. It is better to go by the advice of Acharyas and wise men.


One starts with Srimad Ramayanam and Srimad Bhagavad Gita as storytelling for young children. But there are rules to be followed to learn the actual meaning.

Can we reuse the cloth that was adorned on Perumal during tirthavari (Tirumanjanam) after drying it? Or should we dry clean and use it?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no need to send the cloth worn by Perumal during tirumanjanam for dry cleaning. As this cloth would have come into contact with milk, curd, etc, we can wash the cloth, dry and reuse it.

Adiyen has performed Ukti nishtai (repeating the words of prapatti as instructed by an Acharya) for bharanyasam. At times, out of fear and ignorance, have been rife with the thought whether my bharanyasam was conducted properly. Have realized now that for bharanyasam on must have absolute faith on Acharya and Perumal. I regret for having wrong impressions previously. Several times have asked forgiveness from Salagrama Perumal-s and Acharya Paduka-s at home; my fear made me do this. Are there any atonements for this?

Vidwan’s reply

You need not do anything. You are to continue to be steadfast and ensure the absolute faith in Perumal and Acharyan does not diminish. Svami Desikan as said the same. Even when one does not have absolute faith during bharanyasam, Perumal will induce that.

Do not confuse yourself with such thoughts and end up worrying. Do not seek atonements out of any fear. Ensure your absolute faith in Acharyan and Perumal does not lessen.

When we travel abroad, is there a count on how many Salagrama murtis we can carry?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no prescription that a certain number of Salagrama murtis can be taken with us when traveling overseas. One can carry as many ever they can.

If it is convenient to carry one Perumal, then it is enough to carry one.

Is Periya Thirumalai Nambigal Thirunakshatram on Purattasi Anusham or is it on Vaikasi Svati? In a commentary, it is said that Srimad Panchamata Panjanam Taathadesikan incarnated during Thirumalai Nambigal Thirunakshatram. Have also heard that Thirumalai Nambigal Thirunakshatram is celebrated at Thirumalai Thirupati during Purattasi Anusham.

Vidwan’s reply

Our elders have said that Periya Thirumalai Nambigal Thirunakshatram is on Purattasi Anusham.

What is special about Thirumanjana Kattiyam recitation?

Vidwan’s reply

Recitation of Thirumanjana Kattiyam is a form of service to Emperuman and an enjoyable experience for the devotees.

Scriptures have prohibited one from self-shaving and cutting one’s hair (self-cutting). Present-day life does not permit following this practice due to work and other reasons. Is there any atonement for this?

Vidwan’s reply

Your query contains the answer – one must not self-shave or cut one’s hair (Self-cutting). It appears there is no atonement for this.

What must one do with Parivattam-s, the ceremonial head cloth, after Egal (13th day)?

Vidwan’s reply

Since the Parivattam-s were used to honor Perumal, one needs to keep them safely at home. Because it is a Perumal’s vastram, one can use it as an upper garment (Uttariyam) or use them in some respectful ways. They must never be worn below the hip.

To a possible extent, adiyen was contributing to Thanjavur, Raja Matam Santhana Rajagopala Svami temple`s kainkaryam. Recently adiyen got to know that a sanctum for Pillaiyar available at that temple after which adiyen stop contributing. I also learned that adiyen’s money was used for kainkaryam of that Pillaiyar. As result, will adiyen be considered to be tainted with the association of demi-gods?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no taint of getting associated with a demi-god in this instance, as the act was not intentional.

To a similar query in the previous issue of Sudarshanam, we had said that when one is asked for contributions to build temples for demi-gods, one can treat this as one among many expenses.

As you were not asked specifically to contribute for the kainkaryam of a demi-god and as you had not contributed specifically for that demi-god, no taint will result.

Should the achamanam done during Brahma Yajnam be done without mantras?

Vidwan’s reply

The achamanam done at the beginning and end of Brahma Yajnam, is done per normal achamanam. But, there is another achamanam in the middle of Brahma Yajnam, which is called “Shrautaachamanam”, which is done without mantras. Learn from elders about the proper procedure to do this.

At adiyen’s home, along with Salagrama Perumal-s, there are many other smaller idols of Emperuman-s. Along with them, there was another very small idol placed, and without knowing what the idol was, adiyen used to submit all offerings that were submitted to other Perumals. Only recently adiyen got to know that it was a small idol of Saraswati. Will adiyen be tainted with the association of demi-gods and is there any atonement?

Vidwan’s reply

You will not incur any taint for having unknowingly performed all the kainkaryams to that idol thus far.

There is something called ‘abhuddhipUrvaka utrAgham’ – that is, after bharanyasam, the sins that are committed without being aware. ‘agham’ means sins. As such sins were unintended, no harm will ensue. After having become aware, one must not continue to commit the same sin.

What is the procedure to worship the Dwarapalaka-s and Anjaneya at temples?

Vidwan’s reply

The Dwarapalaka-s at temples can be worshipped by joining palms together in supplication.

Elders do not have the practice of worshipping at sanctums where Anjaneya alone is present. Nevertheless, no harm in paying respects.

The method that one follows to worship Anjaneya who is with Rama, is followed to worship lone Anjaneya.

What is the procedure to follow for performing Salagrama Tiruvaradhanam? Adiyen’s husband performs thirumanjanam only for Salagrama murthi-s with milk and curd. What is the proper method?

Vidwan’s reply

For daily Salagrama Tiruvaradhanam, when both milk and curd are not used for thirumanjanam, at least milk thirumanjanam alone can be performed. Or thirumanjanam can be performed with tirtham alone. On special occasions and days, it is a practice to perform thirumanjanam with milk.

According to the practice of the elders, daily thirumanjanam is performed with tirtham, and Fridays and other special days, it is performed with milk.

Other than these, curd, honey, etc. are not usually included in thirumanjanam.

I have heard that during the days of ‘Vriddhi theetu’ (Vriddhi Asaucam, caused due to the birth of a child), one should not participate in kalakshepams? Can one listen to upanyasams on such days?

Vidwan’s reply

On the days of ‘Vriddhi theetu’, one must not participate in kalakshepams; one can listen to discourses (upanyasam-s).

Here in the USA, the temples nearer our home follow Tenkalai sampradayam alone. During satrumura, can we recite the taniyans as per our sampradayam? Further, can we recite the Tenkalai Acharya (because they follow Sribhasya sampradayam) taniyan?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no harm in reciting the solkas about any followers of Ramanuja. If it is a compulsion to follow the satrumurai order as per their sampradayam, one can certainly do so.

If they allow, it is good to recite taniyans from our tradition in that temple.

As we live in the USA, we are unable to go to Divya Desam-s such as Srirangam, Kanchi, etc. I am afraid that getting immersed in the divine Deity of Emperuman in our temple might provide an opportunity to worship Divya Desam Perumal. Is it correct to discriminate between the various Archa murthi-s of Emperuman? Will it beget sin?

Vidwan’s reply

The only reason that Emperuman is present as Archa murthi-s at various places is that not everyone can go to Divya Desam-s to worship him. Given this, we are fortunate to serve him at our place where he has descended to.

There is no need to feel anxious about not having the desire to worship a Divya Desam Perumal just because of our involvement with the Perumal at a local temple. He will induce the desire in us to worship him at a Divya Desam. It is his extreme mercy that he has made us very involved with him at the temple in our locality.

It is also a true nature of a Srivaishnava to be involved with all Archa murthi-s Emperuman.

It is about the solar eclipse that will be happening in the days to come – during the eclipse, usually adiyen will purify and recite Sri Vishnu Sahasranam, chant Ashtakshra mantra japam and after eclipse, perform tharppanam.

Have heard that during this period, one can continue to perform the daily Tiruvaradhanam for the Salagrama murthi; is it correct?

Is there any special method to perform Tiruvaradhanam during the eclipse?

In the Tiruvaradhanam during the eclipse, can we restrict the offering for Perumal to milk, fruit and rock candy (Kalkandu)?

Vidwan’s reply

Daily Tiruvaradhanam can be performed for Salagrama murthi during the eclipse.

Yes, there is a special procedure to perform Tiruvaradhanam during an eclipse. Like how during the sankalpam we say ‘ijyaknena’, for the Tiruvaradhanam during the eclipse, we either include ‘somoparaga punya kala aradhana’ or ‘suryoparaga punya kala aradhana’. There are no other differences than these.

Because cooking food is not allowed during an eclipse, for Tiruvaradhanam during the eclipse, only milk, fruit, and rock candy be offered. Particularly, it is a practice to offer fruit and rock candy only.

During daily Tiruvaradhanam, can we offer small chunks of Jack fruit, Pineapple, etc. instead of the whole fruit? Must only whole areca nut along with betel leaf be offered? Adiyen is offering broke areca nuts.

Vidwan’s reply

For daily Tiruvaradhanam, offering ripened Jack fruit, Pineapple, etc. is considered superior. Whole fruits must be bought and only chunks must be separated and offered to Perumal. It is not our practice to buy half-cut fruits and offer them to Perumal.

Only whole areca nuts are offered. Shops sell a type of areca nuts which are whole nuts that are dried without being boiled (Kottaipakku). These are also offered. One must not offer areca nuts that are broken down into small pieces.

Whole areca nuts are available at places such as Kerala. Not sure if this is available in other states.

Adiyen belongs to vrAtya varnam (one who has renounced caste by not performing prescribed duties).

How do I reclaim my rights to perform upanayanam, recitation of the Vedas, etc.? Are there any atonements to claim them back?

Is bharanyasam a must to attain salvation (moksham)? The adherents of Tenkalai say it is not a must. But I desire to perform bharanyasam as per Vadakalai tradition. What must I do? And why is this difference in belief?

Vidwan’s reply

Do not understand the motive of this query.

When a death occurs at a house, it said that for one year no kolam should be drawn. What is the Vedic justification for this?

Vidwan’s reply

Drawing kolam is an auspicious activity.

When someone at home dies, we observe a mourning period of one year and as a result no festivals are celebrated. Because we avoid auspicious activities, it is said kolam should not be drawn. This does appear to be a Vedic justification.

Is it a Must for those who do not have theetu (asaucam) to change the sacred thread when they attend the 10th day ceremony (dasakham)?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no need to change sacred thread when one who does not have asaucam attends dasakham.

When we perform a Gaya shraddham, must we also perform for our Acharyan who is a Vikunthavasi (one who has attained moksham)?

Vidwan’s reply

I have heard that we can perform Gaya shraddham on behalf of all those who are closer to us. Going by this logic, it appears it can be performed for Acharyan.

We can request those who conduct the shraddham at Gaya, who are knowledgeable about this and they will conduct it accordingly.

Adiyen has undergone bharanyasam and my school-going grandson lives in the same house. Can Vinakaya caturthi be celebrated?

Vidwan’s reply

Srivaishnava-s should never celebrate Vinayaka caturthi, and must certainly not do so after bharanyasam.


At my in-law’s place everyone are elderly people. As adiyongal are younger in age, we get opportunities to prostrate them. They have not performed prapatti and they have association with demi-gods. What must we do?

During Navarathri golu days, if those of other caste visits our home, can we offer them betel leaf and areca nuts (tAmbUlam)? Likewise can adiyen accept tAmbUlam from Iyer when I visit their house?

Can we visit houses of other castes for occasions of joy and sadness?

Can we conduct Sumangali prarthani for those who have performed prapatti?

Adiyen’s friend is of fourth caste (Kudiyanavan). But she has undergone samashrayanam and works as a clerk at a Perumal temple. I don’t know whether to maintain a relationship with that is in tune with our tradition.

Vidwan’s reply

One can certainly prostrate the elderly people, father-in-law, and mother-in-law at one’s in-law’s place even when they have not performed bharanyasam. It is a matter of regret for them to be associated with demigods. We can pray fervently to Emperuman to remove such tendencies. But one must respect the in-law’s position and must prostrate.

If people of other castes visit for Navaratri golu, we can certainly offer them betel leaf and areca nuts; and we can accept tAmbUlam from Iyers when we visit their house.

We can visit houses of other castes for auspicious happenings such as weddings, seemantham, etc. Otherwise, we should avoid.

If it is the practice of the household of one who has to perform bharanyasam to conduct Sumangali prarthani, it can be done, deeming it is being conducted for Lakshmi Devi.

If people of other caste have undergone samashrayanam, we must remember that they are Srivaishnava and must treat them with respect and must not commit an offense against them; partaking feast sitting together with them must be avoided; one must follow strictures of a caste where it must be followed. Similarly, there are stipulations that they must not see certain parts of our houses when they visit and we must ensure this is not violated. Otherwise, we must not look down upon them and must treat them with the utmost respect. We must be careful not to offend them.

35.a My father-in-law passed away on 5th August. My son’s upanayanam was conducted on 6th July. When is Avani Avittam for him? Should my husband perform Amavasyai tharppanam for one year?

Is Mahalaya paksham applicable for my husband?

Vidwan’s reply

Avani avittam occurred during the month of Adi this year. Those who were unable to do Avani Avittam then must do so on Paurnami day of Avani. Amavasyai must be performed in the rukma form.

It is very clearly stated that Mahalaya tharppanam must be performed even during the years when one’s father or mother has passed away.

A few instead of performing Mahalayam as a tharppanam, do so as anna shraddha. They cannot do this.

But in our tradition, Mahalyam is done as a tharppanam. Hence one must perform Mahalaya tharppnam.


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