Subhakrit – Panguni – Accaram Anushtanam

A few doubts regarding Madhyanika snanam:

Can the Madhyanika snanam be taken after returning from worshipping Perumal at a temple? (For instance, during Dhanur masa, one might need to go to temple to worship Perumal at dawn).

During the month of Margazhi, we perform the Capa masa Tiruvaradhanam at dawn. After performing this, can we take Madhyanika snanam, perform Iyaaradhanam and submit our offerings?

If a sankramana punya kala tharppanam needs to be performed early in the morning, can we perform Madhyanika snanam and Ijyaaradhanam in the afternoon?

According to the dharma shastras, Abhyanga snanam (oil bath) must be done only after morning bath. Given this, on the day of Deepavali, must we take head bath only after the performance of morning bath and morning sandhyavandanam at dawn?

Must tharppanam and Madhyanikam be performed only after Perumal Tiruvaradhanam?

Vidwan’s reply:

One can take Madhyanika snanam after returning from worshipping Perumal at temple. Generally it is considered an offense to take bath after returning from temple thinking that some impurity might have been caused due to physical contact with someone. But, as Madhyanika snanam is a nitya karma and because it has a specific sankalpam (“karmanyatA siddhyartham mAdhyAhnika snAnam ahaM kariSyE”), and if one performs Madhyanikam daily, one can do Madhyanika snanam after returning from temple.

During the month of Margazhi, one can certainly perform Dhanur masa Tiruvaradhanam and perform Madhyanika snanam, Iyaaradhanam and submit offerings.

If a sankramana punya kala tharppanam must be performed at dawn, one can do so and perform Madhyanika snanam, Madhyanikam and Iyaaradhanam.

It is said that Abhyanga snanam must be done 6 nazhigai-s after taking morning bath and after sandhyavandanam and must not be done before these. But for the day of Deepavali, an exception is allowed through a special stipulation. On that day, Abhyanga snanam must be performed before sunrise and considered very special and auspicious, as per the Dharma shastra-s. Moreover, Svami Desikan has said in Yadavabhyudayam that this is as per the ordain of Bhagavan Krishna. Hence, Abhyanga snanam must be performed at dawn before performing sandhyavandanam.

It is not a must that tharppanam should be performed only after the completion of Madhyanikam and Perumal Tiruvaradhanam; Madhyanikam first followed by Perumal Tiruvaradhanam and tharppanam is a tradition.


For married men and saints, it is special to do Madhyanikam after taking Madhyanika sankalpa snanam, every day.

For Perumal Tiruvaradhanam, must the offerings be available readily? If the offerings have not been prepared yet, kindly explain where in between the Tiruvaradhanam can be paused before continuing.

Vidwan’s reply:

It is a practice to complete alankara asanam, that is, offering of incense/aromatic smoke and recite mantra pushpam while the offerings are being prepared; after mantra pushpam, we recite the shlokas that we know until the offerings are available. The idea is not to divert attention to other work and instead stay engaged in service (kainkaryam) of Perumal; Tiruvaradhanam can continue when the offerings are available.

In the T20 segment of the Sangosthee 2022 program, Sri U Ve Lakshminarasimhacharyar (Balaji) Svami, mentioned that procedures to perform Tiruvaradhanam in 8 minutes has been published by Sri Kozhiyalam Svami; Kindly advise where we can get the said publication.

Vidwan’s reply:

We will inform the readers once we have information about the availability of book on Laghu Tiruvaradhanam.

Can a prapannan contribute or sponsor (ubhaya) for annadhanam on an Ekadasi day?

Vidwan’s reply:

A prapanna can certainly sponsor annadhanam but must not partake that prasadam. Regardless of Ekadasi or not, it is very special to offer prasadam to Perumal every day. If a utsavam is conducted on Ekadasi day, even when special offerings are prepared for the utsavam, the daily offerings must never be stopped and must be offered along with utsavam preparations; hence it is named ‘ubhaya’ as daily prasadams are offered along with utsavam prasadams. Both can be prepared but on Ekadasi we must not partake them.

Can a widow worship Perumal at Srirangam or other Divya Desam-s and participate in utsavams, before the first year oblations are performed for her departed husband? Can she worship and pay her respects to her Acharyan in person? Kindly clarify.

Vidwan’s reply:

A widow is not to go on pilgrimage for one year when the first year anniversary oblations are performed for her deceased husband; would suggest that it is better to avoid visiting Divya Desam-s and participate in utsavams; likewise, it is better to avoid paying respects to Acharyan in person; but if circumstances make her meet Acharyan in person, it is no wrong in paying her respects to the Acharyan.

Must Sri Vaishnavas perform Sapta Argha snanam and Bhishma tharppanam on the day of Ratha Saptami? Can ladies touch darbha grass and sacred thread (poonool)?

Vidwan’s reply:

There is no need for Sri Vaishnavas to perform Bhishma tharppanam, etc. on Ratha Saptami; those who have undergone Samashrayanam and performed Bharanyasam need not perform anything for the sake of material benefits.

Ladies must not touch darbha grass and sacred thread.

I think this query is not associated with astrology (Jyotisham); are Naidhruva Kashyapa gothram and Kashyapa gothram the same branch or are they different? Can marriage be arranged for people belonging to these two?

Vidwan’s reply:

Both Naidhruva Kashyapa gothram and Kashyapa gothram are different in names alone. Both belong to the same lineage (Pravara) – “kashyapa, avatsaara and naidhruva trAyARSyaE”, is the pravaram; Kashyapa, Avatsaarar and Naidhruva are three saints. Hence people belonging to these gothrams must not marry among themselves.

During which months and days is one allowed and not allowed to shave? Kindly explain the types of karmas to be performed on the day when one shaves.

Vidwan’s reply:

Refer to “Shubhakrut Chittirai” issue of Sudashanam (Question No:Q28CHIT21006) for the answer for the first part of this query.

On the day of shaving, one must taking morning bath, perform Sandhyavandanam and proceed for shaving. While taking bath after shaving, in the sankalpam for bath, “kshaura suddhyartham” is invoked. While shaving, sacred thread (Poonool) would have become impure; hence one must replace the sacred thread (Yajnopaveetham); we are already aware that one must shave before partaking food.

We offer deity of a temple the Thulasi which was purchased from shops near that temple; can the Thulasi that was offered to the temple Perumal be offered the Perumal at home? Can we do this especially on the days plucking of Thulasi is prohibited?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is not apt or natural to offer Thulasi bought from shops even on those days where plucking of Thulasi is prohibited. It is said that on the days on which plucking of Thulasi is allowed, we must gather them and set aside for use over the next two or three days, even when they wither or become dry the aroma Thulasi persists. It is not appropriate to offer Thulasi that was purchased from shops.

Thulasi can be re-offered to the same Perumal to whom it was offered before; it has not been clarified that Thulasi offered to one Perumal can be offered to another Perumal. Hence, instead of offering the Thulasi received as a prasadam from a temple Perumal and that Thulasi purchased from shops. Use the Thulasi that was gathered on days where it is allowed to be gathered and use it over the following few days.

What must we do for Acharya Paduka-s on Dwadasi?

Vidwan’s reply:

One must perform Padukaradhanam for the Acharya Paduka available at home. After Pranayamam, taking sankalpam that one is proceeding with Padukaradhanam for Acharya Paduka and perform thirumanjanam. Retaining that Sripada tirtham, offer arghyam, padhyam and achamaneeyam, flower, sandalwood paste, fruits, etc. Recite Acharya eulogizing verses (Thaniyan) and partake the Sripada tirtham.

Is Bhagavata Apacharam (offending a devotee) applicable to saints who are not Sri Vaishnava-s?

Vidwan’s reply:

Bhagavata apacharam is an offense or a sinful act committed against other devotees of Bhagavan. It is not a Bhagavata apacharam when we offend those who are not Sri Vaishnava-s; yet, it is said that we must never offend anyone as a rule. Going by this, we must not harm anyone.

As we have no association with them, we must avoid them like we avoid grass and wood or tree.

What must we do with the balance food prepared for a devasham (Pitru Sesham)? Must they be offered to a cow? Or can we partake the following day?

Vidwan’s reply:

If the bhakshanam (sweet and savoury snacks) are available, they can be partaken the following day. Cooked rice and other such preparations can be offered to cow.

Can we partake temple prasadam the day before shraddha?

Vidwan’s reply:

The day before shraddha day, one must partake once only. And whatever that is partaken must have been offered to the Perumal in Tiruvaradhanam at home. On that day we must not specifically partake prasdam from other Perumal. There is no harm if such prasadam is partaken along with the prasdam of household Perumal.

Since outside prasadam is prohibited on that day, it is better to avoid as far as possible.

Why do the Brahmins avoid including garlic and onions in the food?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is a rule that Brahmins must partake sattvic food only. Such rules are mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The scriptures list what sattvic food are, what can be partaken and what must be avoided. That is, the food that we partake must aid in our devotion and wisdom to prosper; they must be fit for offering to Perumal; they must be free from all kinds of impurities, must not be excessively difficult to partake, must not have excessive bad odour, etc. among other such stipulations. Based on these stipulations there are many items that must be avoided and these two belong to the must be avoided category. Specifically, it is mentioned very explicitly that one must never partake onion.

We have collected a bagful of the mantra akshatai blessed by our Acharyan. Can we use such akshatai during occasions such as a wedding? Can we use it to prepare prasadam for Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply:

We can place Acharya mantra akshatai everyday on our head as a form of benediction. Mantra akshatai is prepared with chanting of certain mantras; and it is also graced with Acharyan blessings. Hence we must place some on our head daily and during occasions such as a wedding. But it must not touch one’s leg, must not be stepped upon. It is not appropriate to sprinkle mantra akshatai like it is done during a wedding. Hence a small portion is used during weddings for the purpose of blessing only.

Likewise, it is not appropriate to prepare Perumal prasadam with mantra akshatai. When there are no alternatives, it must be deposited at a place where it does not come touch a person’s legs.

One of our relatives happen to receive the Padukas of one of our purvacharyas, it could be Sri Ranganatha yati – Tembarai Andavan. Looks like they have not been using that for a long time. What to do with those Padukas?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is very important those Padukas are clean. So, it can be washed clean for performance of thirumanjanam for continuous use. And it must be kept clean from thereon.

Can a disciple of one mutt receive tirtha prasadam from pontiff of another mutt?

Vidwan’s reply:

If the pontiff of another mutt is a Srivaishnava, one can certainly receive and partake the tirtha prasadam.

As shown by our purvacharya-s one can understand that it is very important for one follow and practice one’s prescribed duties. When a advaitin or a one from Madhva sampradayam gets associated with a Sri Vaishnava acharya, how should they go about doing their prescribed duties?

Vidwan’s reply:

If such persons have undergone samashrayanam under a Sri Vaishnava Acharya, that person becomes a Srivaishnava. After that he must follow Srivaishnava tradition. If they have not undergone samashrayanam, they must follow the duties prescribed by their respective traditions. As form of paying respect, they can prostrate before a Sir Vaishnava Acharya.

Why do we prostrate 4 times? Why do others prostrate only once?

Vidwan’s reply:

We are aware there are differences between sampradayam. Swami Desikan has stated that Agama has clearly ordained prostrations has to be done four times. Whatever we submit, like betel leaves, fruits to Perumal should be in even count. Similarly, circumambulations and prostrations should also be done in even numbers.

In Agama, there is something called equanimity for Perumal; in that context, there should be no disparity. As he looks upon everyone without any discrimination, numbers should also be in even; equality means even in numbers; disparity is always odd in numbers; hence as per scriptures we prostrate in even numbers.

As we follow the path laid by preceptors like Sribhashyakar, we continue the tradition accordingly.

Is it a sin to offer food to those who fast during Ekadasi? As an example, can we serve food to guests who do not observe fasting during Ekadasi and who visit us at that time?

Vidwan’s reply:

During Ekadasi, we should not only observe fasting but also refrain serving food; serving food during Ekadasi begets sin. So, we should not serve food during Ekadasi to guests as well.

In these days rituals like aupasana are done minimally; but during the conduct of functions like upanayanam and seemantham, aupasana is being performed at the beginning. Should we do any atonements for not doing aupasana so far?

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, atonements have to be done. The Agni Santhanam performed before aupasana includes the relevant atonements like dakshina dhanam, dhanam of rice, etc. along with the required homams. The priests who conduct these ceremonies will conduct these as well.

Sri U Ve Kannan Swami in his Veda Vaibhavam upansyasam mentioned that if someone has travelled by public transport to attend a Veda goshti, they must take bath before participating; but these days one has to use public transport; in that case what can be done?

Vidwan’s reply:

One has to be pure without contacting any taints while participating in a veda goshti, parayana goshti or worshipping Perumal, he has mentioned it based on this rule.

It is generally not advisable to travel in public transport for such causes, during such instances it is better to take bath or perform mantra snanam before participating.

When did smartha and Vaishnava sampradayam originate? Did Adisankara classify these?

If all happenings are based on their karma, is marrying outside sampradayam also a result of one’s fate? If so, it is possible to change this?

Vidwan’s reply:

Adi Sankara did not classify it as these traditions were prevalent even before his time. Even before Kali yuga these sampradayams existed, but Adi Sankara propagated Advaitam in a widespread manner, established mutts to reach common people.

Even before the times of Bhagavad Ramanujar, Srivaishnava tradition existed. He nurtured the tradition well in order to make many live the life of Srivaishnava.

As fate is the deciding factor one leads a life accordingly. Things turn out as per the grace of Acharya and the divine will of Perumal. It is also stated in scriptures and some call it ajnyatasukrutam. Bhagavan tries to rectify us in some ways; for example acquiring the grace of Acharya would lead to a better path of rectification.

Kindly advise on the sankalpam that one must recite before taking bath at homes. Likewise, kindly advise about the sankalpam that one must perform for taking bath in a pond or rivers such as Kaveri. If there are specific sankalpam for ladies, kindly advise.

Vidwan’s reply:

Tithi, day and star are included in the sankalpam for a given day and given kshetram (Divya Desam) and its tirtham (pond) and concluding with “karmaNya kA siddhyarthaM prAtaH snAnaM ahaM kariSyE” before taking bath. Similarly for taking a bath in a river, mentioning the names of the kshetram and river one must recite “karmaNya kA siddhyarthaM prAtaH snAnaM ahaM kariSyE”.

Some might wish to make it a special occasion taking bath in a tirtham – for instance for taking a bath in river Kaveri, first “karmaNya kA siddhyarthaM prAtaH snAnaM ahaM kariSyE” is recited and after taking bath, they will take bath once more with the sankalpam that they are bathing in ‘mahAnadhi kAvEri’.

No separate sankalpam is required for ladies. But on special occasions, the sankalpam for them is the same.

Our elders at home have not performed Perumal Tiruvaradhanam for Salagramam; adiyen desires to perform Tiruvaradhanam; where do we get Salagrama Perumal and how to ceremonially invite the Salagrama Perumal at home?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is very special to perform Salagrama aradhanam, it is said Salagrama are available in plenty at Salagrma kshetram. If not request some elders for Salagrama-s and adiyen shall get back on whether to buy them from shops.

Adiyen had performed samashrayanam immediately after marriage; it is not a practise at our homes to follow austerities but adiyen is desirous of performing bharanyasam and I heard Acharya will not preach mantra during that time. How to receive mantropadesam and what is the method to perform japam?

Vidwan’s reply:

Mantropadesam is done during samashrayanam, we can acquire them through known saints or elders and chant them as ordained. Later Acharya will perform bharanyasam which is sufficient.

During bharanyasam Acharya will not do mantropadesam. It is alright to put forth a request to him; hence you can appeal to Acharya or other elders for obtaining mantropadesam. They shall also guide as to how to do japam.

As adiyen has asaucam for 10 days, can I participate sandhai-s for Prabandham and other shlokas?

Vidwan’s reply:

During asaucam period certain shlokas can be recited mentally but one should not participate in sandhai, parayanam class and should not recite in a goshti.

An elderly agnate has attained Paramapadam. If the 10th day falls on a Friday, is the sarvanga vapanam done on Thursday or Friday?

Vidwan’s reply:

If the 10th day falls on Friday, shaving must be done on Thursday.

Why do we follow birthdays based on star and demise based on the tithi?

Vidwan’s reply:

Dharma shastram has stated birthdays are based on star and demise are based on the tithi. Smruti-s like Yagnyavalkya Smruti has stated it explicitly; hence we celebrate them accordingly. Nakshtram means defect less, ‘na ksharati’ denotes nakshatra, as we have to grow without defects hence this term.

In a month there is only one tithi; so we perform shraddha based on the tithi to avoid confusion as ordained by scriptures.

What is the importance of shoSanam, dAhanam and plAvanam done as part of Tiruvaradhanam?

Vidwan’s reply:

For any item offered as part of Tiruvaradhanam, shoSanam, dAhanam and plAvanam must be done to purify those items. Any item can be purified by drying it in air or wind, through a fire or by washing it in water. This is similar to washing vessels and fruits.

So, any item that we offer is dried by air, heated by fire and washed by water by reciting the respective mantram ro Tiruvashtakshara mantram to purify them to make them fit for offering them to Perumal.

Can we travel overseas after Prappatti?

Vidwan’s reply:

There is no such demarcation as to before or after prapatti; as per dharma sastra one should never travel overseas.

Adiyen is hosting Sundara Kanda parayanam at home for acquiring benefits like job, marriage etc.; what is the sankalpam that one has to take for these benefits?

Vidwan’s reply:

Vishwaksena aradhanam should be done prior to starting parayanam and maha sankalpam is undertaken.

Tiruvaradhanam has to be performed for Perumal and puja is done for sacred books and sankalpam has to be done for the desired fruits before starting the parayanam. The respective priest of the household will conduct the these. The ritual should be commenced by chanting ‘bhagavad prItyartham’ or, nArAyaNa prItayartham’ (for the pleasure of Bhagavan)

Or one can mentally make a vow regarding the benefits praying to Perumal and chant ‘bhagavad prItyartham’ orally, according to a few elders.

If brothers reside at different places, is it better to perform the shraddha together or is it alright to perform separately?

Can the brothers perform the shraddha separately or Hiranya shraddha form (for instance, we are overseas and could not come to India during Corona period) and perform together during the next shraddha?

Vidwan’s reply:

If the brothers reside separately in the same city, they can perform the shraddha together; if they are in different cities, the family is considered to be split and they must perform the shraddha separately. If the father’s property has been split or shared by the brothers, shraddha must not be performed together and must be performed separately.

If the brothers always perform the shraddha together but in between happen to perform separately, from that point onwards, the shraddha must be performed separately and must not be performed together.


There are two methods when the shraddha is performed separately. Homam must always be performed separately. But all the offerings such as vegetables, bhakshanam, etc. are prepared together only, except cooked rice, pAyasam, daal, etc. must be prepared separately. It is a practice that the offerings prepared separately are offered separately during the ceremony. Kindly seek the advise of the respective household priests for detailed explanations.

Does our tradition allow angapradakshinam (circumambulation with wet clothes) at temples such as Thirumalai?

Vidwan’s reply:

As it is a practice at temples such as Thirumalai to perform angapradakshinam, it can be done so.

Svami Desikan’s Srisukti Sri Nyasa Vimishati talks loftily about sharanagati. In Tenkalai sampradaym, one samashrayanam is available, bharanyasam is not practiced. Why this difference? Are followers of Tenkalai tradition allowed to received bharanyasam? Kindly clarify adiyen’s doubts.

Vidwan’s reply:

As far as adiyen’s aware, bharanyasam is conducted along with samashrayanam in the Tenkalai sampradayam. They are instructed with Dwaya mantram and are asked to recite it. They say that Emperuman himself is the means (upAyam). Dwaya mantram is sharanagati mantram. It is evident from the practices of ancient days, an important aspect of samashrayanam is the instruction of Ashtakshara mantra and instruction of Dwaya mantram in sharanagati. At present times, everything is included within samashrayanam.

Even when adiyen enquired with a few elders from Tennacharya sampradayam, they also said the same; that is Dwaya mantram is recited during samashrayanam itself; hence it is considered to be bharanyasam. Hence, they say not to perform bharanyasam again. As per adiyen’s understanding, as bharanyasam has already taken place, they say do not perform again.


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