Subhakrit – Purattasi – Accaram Anushtanam

Is the Mahapradosham kalam

Before or after sunset?

How many nazhigais is pradosha kalam (minimum nazhigais that must certainly exist) before or after sunset?

Vidwan’s reply

Mahapradosha kalam can be before or after sunset.

It is one and half hours before and after sunset – Mahapradosham kalam is three hours.

Is it appropriate to perform Vishnu aradhanam during Mahapradosham?

Vidwan’s reply

Vishnu aradhanam must not be performed during Mahapradosham.

During Mahapradosham, while there is a stipulation for Sri Nrisimha aradhanam and avoidance of slokas,

Can Vishnu Sahasranamam be recited? Is this considered to be recited for Vishnu or Nrismhan? As per the commentary of Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachar Svami, it is Nrisimhan centric – can we recite Vishnu Sahasranamam?

During the pradosham aradhanam at Sri Nrishmhan sannidhi, can a section of the Vedas, other pasuram-s (Pradosha kala exception being Sri Nrisimhan slokas and pasuram-s) be chanted?

Vidwan’s reply

While there is a stipulation for Sri Nrisimhan aradhanam, Vishnu Sahasranamam should not be recited. It is not a practice of the elders. On the other hand, it is a practice at Nrisimhan sannidhis during few occasions such as thirumanjanam, special aradhanams, etc., parayanams will take place in which we can participate.

A specific procedure and practice are in place for Prodosha aradhanam at Sri Nrisimha sannidhi. As per the Agamas, those that are prescribed by those procedures, can be followed by us.

During Mahapradosham,

Can the monthly Shravana recitals be done during the evening?

What is the minimum time after sunset must one do paranai or tadheeyaradhanam?

Vidwan’s reply

During Mahapradosham time, Shravana sevakalam is not allowed; but during the same time, we can participate in any Shravana sevakalam, sattrumurai, etc at temples.

Mahapradosham exists for one and half hours after sunset; any parayanam and partaking of food are not allowed. It appears one can partake after this period.

Can milk be fermented to form curd in a glass vessel and offered to Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply

Though milk might have been fermented in a glass vessel, the resultant curd must be offered to Perumal in a silver vessel.

During the 10 days of annual Desika utsavam for Purattasi Shravanam, adiyen will serve prasadam for the participating devotees between 1.30 PM to 3.30 PM. And during this period, there will be morning and evening aradhanams at the temple. Adiyen is confused as adiyen will be missing the afternoon Kalakshepam, Stotra Patham and Divya Prabandham classes. What must adiyen do?

Vidwan’s reply

Kalakshepams, Stotra and Divya Prabandha classes take place at all times; but Purattasi Shravanotsavam is only on 10 days of a year. To take part in the service of serving prasadam to the devotes during these 10 days is an opportunity to do a special service; hence, it seems one can prioritise this service over other classes.


The kind of services mentioned in this query – that is, serving prasadam to the bhagavathas, or attending kalakshepams and stotram and Divya Prabandham classes are Anugya Kainkaryams (kainkaryams taken on due to one’s own volition). These are not ordained kainkaryams; as such there is no question of superior of inferior classifications of these kainkaryams.

As these are not mandated kainkaryams, but take on due to one’s desire, there is no offence when any of them are not performed. It can be said that during these 10 days it is auspicious to serve prasadam to the bhagavathas.

Adiyen – my son is in the USA. His daughter is 2 years old. They will be able to come to India only after 2 more years. That child still needs to undergo ear piercing and tonsuring ceremonies; adiyen feels it is not appropriate to do these after 5 years of age. To solve this dilemma, would it be right to remove a few strands of hair, preserve them in turmeric-smeared cloth, and offer it to our kula deivam, Sholingur Narasimhan, when they visit India next? It is our family practice to tonsure at both Tirupati and Tiruvallur temples. Kindly advise on the course of action to take.

Vidwan’s reply

A response to this query shall be provided later.

Bad dreams occur now and then for adiyen; these are usually followed by undesirable incidents. What to do to avoid this?

Vidwan’s reply

To avoid bad dreams, recite every night before retiring to bed the 39th sloka of Mukundamala of Kulasekara Azhwar.

kSIrasAgara tarangashIkarA

sAratArakita cArumUrtayE !

bhOgibhOga shayanIyashAyinE

mAdhavAya madhuvidviSE namaH ||

Similarly, one must chant thrice the divine name ‘Madhava’ – before lying down for sleep, chant ‘mAdhavA, mAdhavA, mAdhavA’ three times, which will ensure that no bad dreams ensue.

How should one observe Shravana Dwadasi?

Vidwan’s reply

The observance of Sharavana Dwadasi is similar to Ekadasi fasting. All the rules and regulations that one follows for Ekadasi, must be followed on the day of Shravana Dwadasi and do paranai the following day.

To overcome certain types of vitamin deficiencies, a few who are in the sampradayam end up partaking prohibited food such as mushrooms, garlic, etc. Are there any other ways to address vitamin deficiency without including food substances that are prohibited?

Vidwan’s reply

There is no compulsion to improve one’s health by including such prohibited food substances; in the days gone by, our elders lived long and healthy without partaking any forbidden food. One must have faith that it is possible to address health issues without partaking banned food substances.

No health-related issues will happen when one partakes of vegetables that are allowed by the scriptures, after offering them to Emperuman as ordained. Just by including the vegetables mentioned in the Ahara Niyamam, one can certainly live without any health-related deficiencies; the notion that certain food types help to overcome certain types of deficiencies is all modern-day prescriptions based on interested parties’ motives; no need to consider them sacrosanct.

Followers of other traditions, invoke Ganapati before starting any homam or puja; in our tradition, who must we invoked for such rituals?

Vidwan’s reply

In our tradition, before beginning homams, utsavams, etc. it is a practice to perform Vishvaksena aradhanam.

Determination of Shravana Vratam:

Is it possible for the day of occurrence of Shravana nakshatram and the day of fasting for Shravanam to be different? Is it sufficient for the existence of Shravana nakshatram for 12 nazhigai-s from sunrise?

If not, can we observe the fasting the previous day?

Vidwan’s reply

Shravana vratams are two kinds – some observe Shravana vratam to satiate Oppiliappan and others follow the methods followed by Oppiliappan sannidhi; as per their practice, Shravana vratam is undertaken on the day when the Shravana nakshatram exists for 12 nazhigai-s from sunrise.

If it does not (for example: Shravana nakshatram exists only for 11½ nazhigai-s from sunrise), they undertake the fasting the previous day.

Certain Panchangams indicate the Shravana vratam is in the evening. So, follow the practices of one’s own tradition. Many in our tradition follow the practices of Oppliappan sannidhi.

For Shravana Dwadasi vratam (Srisannidhi tradition),

Which nakshatram and tithi must be excluded?

Minimum how much nazhigai-s should the nakshtram and tithi association be?

Vidwan’s reply

The determination of Shravana Dwadasi vratam varies for Munitrayam and Ahobilam traditions. In the Munitrayam tradition, even if Shravanam is associated minimally with Dwadasi, Shravana Dwadasi vratam is on that same day – that is, if Shravanam is associated with Dwadasi either in the afternoon or the evening even for a brief period, Shravana Dwadasi vratam is on that day itself.

In the Srisannidhi tradition, only when both Shravanam and Dwadasi are present together till the evening, Shravana Dwadasi vratam is on that day. One can follow the announcement that will be made accordingly.

On the day of Shravana Dwadasi:

Can those who do not observe Shravana vratam, do Dwadasi paranai?

Or if paranai is allowed only on Trayodasi, can vrata anushtanam consider Ekadasi as secondary and consider Dwadasi as the primary day?

Vidwan’s reply

Shravana Dwadasi and Shravana vratam are not related. Shravana vratam is a kaamya vratam, undertaken with aim of achieving an objective. It can be for a particular want or Emperuman but fasting is not a must.

Shravana Dwadasi is called ‘Nityam’; that is, it is a must to fast on that day.

One must fast both on Ekadasi and Shravana Dwadasi days and paranai (breaking fast) is done only on Trayodasi. If physical conditions are a limitation, one can partake in a limited manner on Ekadasi day and fast on Shravana Dwadasi day. It is the practice of the elders.

Are Sri Hayagriva Jayanthi and Sri Vamana Jayanthi celebrated during Avani (Simha maasam) on Shravana nakshatra day?

Vidwan’s reply

Sri Hayagriva Jayanthi and Sri Vamana Jayanthi are celebrated during Avani Masam on Shravana nakshatra day.

For a few others, Paurnami tithi is the primary consideration to celebrate Hayagriva Jayanthi. This is based on the movement of the moon (Chandramaanam) and is celebrated in Shravana month. As a result, sometimes, this is celebrated during the month of Adi

Since there are no requirements to fast for these like it is required for Srijayanthi, Srirama Navami, Sri Nrisimha Jayanthi, usually these are celebrated by worshipping Perumal at the temple. Since no special Tiruvaradhanam is prescribed at home, one can follow the practice of the temples they visit.

Adiyen Svami, this is regarding the forthcoming solar eclipse. It is mentioned in the Panchangam that the grahana sparsam (start of eclipse) is at 5 PM and that one is not to partake of food on that day.

If so, should one not partake of food the entire day on the 25th or can one partake in the morning, and partake of food after sunrise the following day?

Vidwan’s reply

For a solar eclipse, leaving aside the jAmam (3-hour period) in which the solar eclipse occurs, it is mentioned that one must not partake of food for 4 jAmam (12 hours) before the eclipse. This eclipse occurs in the 4th jAmam of the daytime. So, the 4 jAmam before this means that one must not partake of food after 3 AM of the previous night. After the conclusion of the eclipse, one can partake only after looking at the sun.

On this occasion, since the eclipse is during the evening and the sun sets during the duration of the eclipse, which makes it not possible to look at the sun. As per the Pachanga, since one is allowed to partake of food only after looking at the sun after the eclipse, one will be able to do so only on the morning of the following day.

As per the scriptures, one must not partake during the entire day on the 25th.

In the Perumal sannidhi at homes, can we allow the lit lamp to burn throughout the day?

Vidwan’s reply

A lamp can continue to be lit throughout the day in Perumal sannidhi at homes.

I belong to Tenkalai sect. Are samashrayanam and bharanyasam applicable for us? If they are, can we approach an Acharyan closer to our place for samashrayanam? Or must we go to Srirangam?

Vidwan’s reply

Whoever your Acharyan is, you can approach him for samashrayanam. It is not evident that bharanyasam is done explicitly. But it is better to perform bharanyasam. You can apply to the Acharyan for your lineage. It is not a must to undergo samashrayanam at Srirangam

During Tiruvaradhanam, how many blades of darbha grass should make the pavithram that we wear?

Vidwan’s reply

For Tiruvaradhanam, it is a practice to wear pavithram made from two blades of darbha grass.

Can a prapanna (one who has rendered bharanyasam) prostrate those who have not undergone bharanyasam?

Vidwan’s reply

When those we prostrate happen to be our elderly relations, it becomes inevitable that we prostrate before them. As an example, if the elders of the household are one’s father, mother, grandfather, or grandmother, even when they have not undergone bharanyasam, we must prostrate them.

I used to indulge in entertainment such as watching Television programs. After bharanyasam, having understood the proper way of utilizing time, have completely renounced them. But the elders and relations at home only talk about entertainment. When they try to talk to me about entertainment, I avoid lying. Will this result in committing an offence against bhagavathas (bhagavatha apacharam)? How should I handle this, not offend them but at the same time avoid talks about entertainment? After completing duties at home, I desire to spend time listening to discourses on Emperuman, listening to 108 Divya Desam vaibhavam, kalakshepam, etc. But others at home do not like adiyen getting involved in such matters at a young age. How do I explain it to them? At times, their talk stresses me mentally.

Vidwan’s reply

It is very good to avoid entertainment such as watching television. And one need not be reticent in expressing this openly. It is a matter of pride. In these modern days, even those who are not inclined to spend time in sadvishaya, are of the attitude not to waste time by entertaining themselves with media. So, do not be worried that you will be mistaken if you were to tell others that you do not like to waste time by indulging in these. Even if they misunderstand, you need not worry. There is no need to lie to them; instead, you can declare with pride that you are avoiding such activities as they are not conducive to one’s welfare. Let us pray sincerely to Emperuman that they also have a change of heart and involve themselves in sadvishaya and involve themselves in tradition very soon.

Every now and then adiyen slips into bad manners. How to avoid this?

Vidwan’s reply

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generatedIt is natural to be being bad-mannered every now and then. We must chase away the enemies in us responsible for this. We must hold on to Piratti for this. Reciting the 18th sloka of Sristuti repeatedly will provide mental peace and remove bad manners.

UrikartuM kushalamahilaM jEtumAdInarAtIn

dUrIkaruM duritanivahaM tyaktumAdyAmavidyAm |

amba stambAvadhikajana grAmasImAnta rEkhAm

AlambantE vimalamanasO viSNukAntE dayAM tE ||


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