Subhakrit – Thai – Morals Revealed by Sampradayam

Vedas alone are the Truth! Vedas are Truth!

As part of GSPK’s Sangoshtee 2022, under the program T20, the Vidwan’s graced us with brief discourses that very essential for us. First of those discourses was “Vedas are Truth” conducted by Villur Nadadur Sri U Ve Senesh Svami. Through a story, he talked in a manner that is easliy understood by the children and at the same was firmly entrenched in their minds. A few snippets from that discourse:

The Vedas not only provide material comforts in the material world, but they can also grant one the moksham.

Our Purvacharyas- have proven that the Vedas are the Truth, regardless of the fact how many opposing religions object. One such esteemed Acharya was Kumarila Bhattar.

Who is Kumarila Bhattar? How did prove that the Vedas are Truth? To understand in detail, watch the video below.


With great compassion for us to understand the glories of the Vedas in-depth, “Mahavidwan Navalpakkam Sri U Ve Yagnyavarahachariyar (Dr. Kannan) Svami” conducts a series of discourses every Wednesday at 8 PM based on his hardworking and extensive research of the glories of the Vedas. To watch the series, refer to the link below.


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