Plava – Maasi – Accaram Anushtanam

Can we apply sandal paste to Saligrama deities after Thirumanjanam at the temple and at home (we have a lot of saligrama deities) and we also offer Tulasi.

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, without a doubt sandal paste can be applied to Saligrama deities at homes and temples.

It is considered special to offer sandalwood paste if many deities are available states our elders. It is not appropriate to apply sandal to one Murthy and not to apply to the rest; so it is better to apply sandalwood paste to all the deities methodically. Incense and a lighted lamp can be offered to all deities in general, but sandal has to be applied individually after Thirumanjanam.

Can we use the same Pavitram for a few days repeatedly at temples?

Vidwan’s reply:

As per Agama a single Pavitram can be used repeatedly for a few days at temples.

Certain offerings for Perumal are considered to be permanent/constant. These can be offered again and again to Perumal.

Adiyen has one Salagrama deity and one Dwaraka Lakshmi individually at the house. Can adiyen’s husband perform thriumanjanam to the deities together?

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, thirumanjanam can be performed together. Like Salgarama, Dwaraka murthi tirumanjana tirtham is equally auspicious.

Adiyen does not know Sanskrit, but adiyen recites Desika slokas, Paduka Sahasram and Sahasranama every day. As adiyen does not know its correct pronunciation and as adiyen is over sixty years in age, memorization becomes difficult. Is there atonement for mispronunciation as adiyen wants to recite many slokas?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is better to recite without mistakes; there is no harm in making minor mistakes, but one must try and rectify those mistakes as well. That is the difference between reciting a Veda and stotras, it is considered erroneous when a Veda swara or an akshara is mispronounced, unlike stotras.

The sloka at the end of Sahasranama appeals to Perumal to forgive our mistakes.

yata3kṣara pata3p4raṣṭam mātrahīṉam tu yat3pa4vet
tat carvam kṣamyatām te3vā nārāyaṇa namostute

Though not all slokas contain such verse. However, when we recite them with devotion, Perumal accepts our flawed recitation like how the elders accept a child’s blabber; but we should strive on our part to recite them without errors.

I am asking this on my son-in-law’s behalf. Recently my son-in-law’s father attained acaryan tiruvadi. As he performs maasyam, must also perform amavasyai tarppanam? Some priests say that because he performs maasyam, there is no need to perform amavasyai tarppanam. Kindly clarify his doubts.

Vidwan’s reply:

Both maasyam and amavasyai tarppanam must be performed. After performing maasyam, amavasyai tarppanam should be performed.

We have 3 Hiranyagarbha Salagrama-s at our house for which my husband performs thirumanjanam daily with milk, tirtham, etc.; in the previous issue of Sudarshanam, it was mentioned Salagrama deities should be in numbers of one, four, and so on. Please clarify.

Vidwan’s reply:

If there are 3 Hiranyagarbha Salagrama deities, one deity should be treated as a prominent deity and the other two should be treated as ancillaries. Thiruvaradhanam can be done to the prominent deity until the Salagrama count reaches four. Then special thriuvaradhanam can be done for all the four deities.

After retirement adiyen learnt Bhagavatam, Bhagavat Gita, Sundara Kandam, and recite Sri Vishnu Sahasranama every day. The previous Sudarshanam issue explained that women should not recite Sahasranama. I recite Sahasranama out of devotion and not for any benefit and I omit the Sankalpa and palasruti parts. Can women recite Bhagavat Gita, Bhagavatam, and Sundara Kandam out of devotion?

Vidwan’s reply:

As per scriptural ordains, women are not allowed to recite them. As we are lax in many matters, women have also started to recite them.

There are many stories in Sundarakandam, women can read them and listen to related kalakshepam. We can also request others to read it for us, but women are not permitted to read it as is.

While offering food to Perumal, must we add Thiruthuzai to all the salted cooked items or should it be added only on cooked rice?

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, Thiruthuzai can be added to all the cooked items before offering it to Perumal. It is a tradition followed in temples to add Thulasi and other flowers in the offerings to Perumal.

What are the rules for observance during Mahapradosham and can we recite stotras during that time?

Vidwan’s reply:

One has to observe for of silence (mouna vratam) during Mahapradosham. Our preceptors are following this observance which is considered to be prominent. Since silence is a kainkaryam on that day, one should not recite any stotras, prabandhas, etc.

When does a Prappana reach Sri Vaikuntam after leaving his mortals? Is there a reference on this by Azhwars and Acarya-s?

Vidwan’s reply:

There is no specific time, date or day mentioned once a prappana sheds the mortal body, as it is stated that a Prappana travels via the Archiraadi Marga (illuminated path) to reach the Vaikuntam without any delay.

Sri Bahsyam mentions about reaching Sri Vaikuntam. The pasurams ‘Suzhvisum pani mugil’ and ‘Muniye Nanmugane’ mentions the journey to Sri Vaikuntam.

By the grace of Acarya, adiyen has performed prappati. Those who performed prapatti should not commit Bhagavata Apacaram (offending other devotees). Have the scriptures specifically pinpointed what is a Bhagavata apacaram and who are Bhagavatas as per our Sampradayam? Are they only devotees of Vishnu or those who worship all Gods including Perumal?

Vidwan’s reply:

Those who are devoted to Bhagavan are known as Bhagavatas. Those who have undergone Samasrayanam, Bharanyasam, and those who apply thirumankappu on their forehead are all bhagavatas. In general, all are devotees of Bhagavan, and we should not commit any offence against them termed as Bhagavata Apacaram.

We must not scrutinize about the traits of any bhagavata whether they are distinguished or not. It is crucial that we do not commit any offence against them.

Is it a must to wear new poonal after every haircut? Adiyen does Thiruvaradhanam every day hence, the doubt.

Vidwan’s reply:

While trimming, the barber’s hand might accidentally touch the Poonal or the water used to wet the hair or the cloth that wraps the person, when anyone of those come into contact with the sacred thread, it is considered unclean. A sacred thread must always be clean.

One must perform all austerities with a clean yagnyopavitam, it should be changed when it becomes impure. Based on these, it is said the poonal must be changed after having a haircut.

How to join this group?

Vidwan’s reply:

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Why do we prostrate 4 times?

Vidwan’s reply:

The only answer is because scriptures have ordained this. Sastram has laid down specifications for kainkaryams like pradakshinam (circumambulation), anjali, pranamam etc. for Perumal.

Sastram had instructed the number of times a pradakshinam can be done and how to do pradakshinam and anjali. Anjali must not be done with one hand and pradakshinam should not be done running.

Similarly, pranamam should be done in even numbers “pradakshinaan pramanaanscha yugmaanave samaacaret”; and it has listed the reason for it as well.

Everything must be in even numbers for Perumal and an odd number is not considered to be sacred.

As per this Vedic quote ‘ekAmanvaH ekahipitrunAm, druranvAH druhidevanaM’ anything done once are for Pitrus and two times are for Devas.

As Perumal is the Supreme Lord, any kainkaryams that are done should be more than just two and it could be in the count of four or six and so forth. Swami Desikan had provided many techniques on this.

While performing japam, how do we keep count? I used to mark 3 counts for each finger; have heard elsewhere that one must count twice for each finger. Which is correct?

Vidwan’s reply:

While performing japam, we can keep a count of 10 with our fingers.

Going clockwise, start the count from the base of the little finger for counts 1-3, the tip of the ring finger for the 4th count, the tip of the middle finger for the 5th count, the tip of the index finger for the 6th count, middle of the index finger for the 7th count, base of the index finger for the 8th count, base of the middle finger for 9th count and ending at the base of ring finger for the 10th count. While going clockwise, little and index fingers are used for 3 counts each, ring and middle fingers are used for 2 counts each for a total of 10 counts. If it is difficult to understand this, it is better to request a practitioner for a demonstration for a better understanding.

We were fortunate to be gifted with 10 salagrama deities and two dwaraka deities recently. Please provide details on how to serve them.

Vidwan’s reply:

Special thiruardanam should be done to the deities, thirumanjanam should be done with milk and special thaligai must be offered on the day we bring in the deities to our home the first time, and later on, thiruvaradhanam can be continued every day.

Can we have deities of Alillai Krishna (Krishna reclining on a Banyan tree leaf) and Krishn playing flute at the sanctums in our homes?

Vidwan’s reply:

Yes, we can certainly have these deities at home.

Shall we prostrate when someone is standing in a goshti (religious gathering)?

Vidwan’s reply:

When we prostrate a goshti while someone is standing, either they should move aside on their own or we have to go past the person standing to prostrate. If these are not possible, we can just simply prostrate the gathering as it is not considered inappropriate.

Sometimes the person standing could be servitors proceeding towards a kainkaryam. One need not be extremely mindful of such things and can simply prostrate. The objective must be to prostrate the goshti.

Why must Sri Vaishnavas not worship other demi-gods? Is it true that visiting their temples cause dosha?

Vidwan’s reply:

As Emperuman is the supreme Lord of all gods, worshipping other gods is like equating Him with the rest.

We should never forget Emperuman is the primordial lord. It is a sin to consider other gods equal to Perumal; the other gods would not prefer it. The demigods feel that there is no benefit in worshipping them. The demigods have only said what benefits they can provide but have not said that they are equal to or superior to Perumal. These are the reasons for not going to their temples for worship.

Some might say there are no tangible benefits of worshipping Perumal while other gods grant benefits for worshipping them. These will end us in worldly sins only. As none is supreme or equal to Perumal we must not worship other gods.

How should we recite Ashtakshram, Dvayam, Carama slokam, and Dhayana sloka as per Sri Sannidhi tradition?

Vidwan’s reply:

Sri Ahobila Mutt has published Ahnika grantham providing details as per Sri Sannidhi tradition with meanings for Ashtaksharam, Dvayam, and Carama slokas.

In Vadakalai Yajur Veda tradition, during amavasyai tarppanam, how many darbha grass must be placed on hand and seat? In the thaambaalam (bigger-sized salver/tray), how many darbha grasses must be placed East to West in parallel?

Vidwan’s reply:

For the seat, usually, two darbhas are placed, with one of them could even be a darbha with an uncut tip (nunippul). Some say as per “darbheshu darbhaam”, more than two darbhas must be used; some say 4 must be used.

For bhugnam, two darbhas are placed East to West in pairs. This is a seat for the Pitrus.

What are the practises that one should observe while offering clothes to a Divya Desa Perumal, Nacchiar, and Ubaya Nacchiar?

Vidwan’s reply:

There are no separate rules for offering clothes at temples; we can place the clothes on a tray and hand it over to the priest of that temple and he shall follow the required tradition, but the clothes offered should be in accordance with the Divya Desa practices.

Kindly explain about Adhyayana and Anadhyayana periods?

Vidwan’s reply:

I am replying to this query based on the assumption that you have undergone Vedic studies. Dharmasastras had provided elaborate details on this.

The period of study is called Adhyayana kalam.

Pournami, Amavasyai, Ashtami, Chaturdasi, and Prathamai are Anaddyayana days. During these days, one should not learn Vedas and recite them in Sandhai.

Divya Prabandham and Stotra patam can be recited during Ashtami and Chaturdasi. Sandhai will not be conducted during Ammvasyai, Pournami, and Prathamai but parayanam is allowed.

Anandhyayana kalam consists of many other specialties.

There are many calculations for Vedic Anandhyayana kalam like the Nazhigais of Ashtami or Pournami, etc. We shall look into this in detail at a later time.

In a Sandhyavandanam at what juncture does turiiya arghyam occur? Does it occur before or after the respective Sandhyavandanam periods (Sunrise and Sunset)? Is there any stipulation that Sandhyavandanam is to be performed only with a certain time window before or after Sunrise and Sunset? For example, can the morning Sandhyavandanam can be performed either at 4 AM or 11 AM?

Vidwan’s reply:

In a Sandhyavandanam, 3 arghyams must be offered before Sunrise. If the Sun has already risen, it means is past the time for Sandhyavandanam; when done so, a fourth arghyam called turiiya arghyam is offered as an atonement.

If Sandhyavandanm is performed before Sunrise, no need to offer turiiya arghyam.

Similarly, if 3 arghyams are offered before Sunset, turiiya arghyam is not offered.

Both Sunrise and Sunset timing varies frequently and also at different times of the year such as summer, monsoon season, etc.; given this, it will be difficult to indicate the time for this.

Hence, consult a panchangam, determine Sunrise and Sunset and offer 3 arghyams before Sunrise and Sunset; when done so, no need to offer turiiya arghyam.

Sandhyavandanam cannot be performed at 4 AM as it must be commenced before Sunrise and concluded with upasthanam after Sunrise. Arghyam must be offered before Sunrise and upasthanam is performed after Sunrise.

Doing Sandhyavandanam at 4 AM is considered untimely karma and has no value as a result. One must again perform Sandhyavandanam.

Due to compulsion when one is away or delayed during Sandhyavandanam time, it must be performed at 11 AM by offering turiiya arghyam.

Can Madhyanikam be done after Dwadasi thiruvaradhanam and paranai?

Vidwan’s reply:

Madhyanikam need not be done after Dwadasi tiruvaradhanam and paranai.

Madhyanikam must be performed before thiruvaradhanam followed by paranai. After we do sandyavandanam, Brahmayagyam and madhyanikam must be performed before thriuvaradanam followed by paranai; there is no need to do madhyanikam again.

There will be a slight difference during Alpa Dwadasi which we will look little later.

Is the rule that one must partake food only once a day during Mahalaya paksham applicable from commencement of Mahalaya paksham only until the day when one performs Mahalaya paksha tarppanam? Or is it applicable throughout the Mahalaya paksham period?

Vidwan’s reply:

Those who perform tarppanam on all the 15 days of Mahalaya paksham, must partake food once and partake palaharam for dinner.

Many of us perform tarppanam only one day during the Mahalaya paksham and it is called Sakrun Mahalayam. Melpakkam Swami has averred that such people need not partake palaharm on all 15 days; he also said that they need not partake palaharam even the day before tarppanam day.

Some elders even though they do not perform tarppanam on all 15 days, have a practice of partaking palaharam on all 15 days. Please follow the practice of the respective elders.

As per the learned and wise men, it appears that if one does not perform tarppanam on 15 days, need not partake palaharm on all 15 days.

Palaharam is included in the day of tarppanam and not the day before.

What is the method to thread Yagnyopavitam and what are its related austerities?

Vidwan’s reply:

It is pertinent to note that we should thread our Yagnyopavitam on our own while threading one must keep oneself and the Yagnypoavitam pure. There are books regarding the invoking of a sacred thread or else one can take the advice of their elders.

The mantras must be chanted appropriately to invoke the concerned devata-s, appeal to Perumal, and chant the Gayatri mantra for invocation.

Kindly explain what Mantrasalagatta Prayogam.

Vidwan’s reply:

Once there lived a Svami named Mantrasalagatta Svami and he has postulated based on unique opinions from the Dharmashastras, which is called Mantrasalagatta sampradayam. A few who that tradition live among us. They practice rituals, shraddhams, etc. based on this tradition. If one wishes to practice this tradition, one must know about this extensively in detail. Or else, it is enough to be aware of such a tradition.


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